来自 pstricks 手册 (p223) 的高级宏,它不起作用

来自 pstricks 手册 (p223) 的高级宏,它不起作用

% We draw the first surface #1 clipped by the one
% or two others #2 and #3, computing it resulting color
% We compute the “mixed” color, component by component
% \pst@dimd will contain the maximum value of the three
% components.
 \csname PstColorSynthesis@Color#1\endcsname}%
 \csname PstColorSynthesis@Color#2\endcsname}%
 \csname PstColorSynthesis@Color#3\endcsname}%
 % We must test if the maximum of the new computed
 % component is greater than 1, in which case we divide all
 % the three components by this value for additive synthesis.
 % We draw the first surface, clipped by the other ones
 \psclip{\csname PstColorSynthesis@Surface#2\endcsname%
 \csname PstColorSynthesis@Surface#3\endcsname}
 \csname PstColorSynthesis@Surface#1\endcsname

 \def\PstColorSynthesis@MixedColor@i#1 #2 #3 #4\@nil{%
 % We receive the name of the color model (“rgb” is expected
 % here and the three color components.)
 % We add the values to the respective components of the new
 % color to compute.

 % As these values are real numbers, we use dimension
 % registers, then we assign the computed value in a macro,
 % converting it from a dimension to a number.
 % We also keep in \pst@dimd the maximum of the values.
 \advance\pst@dimg by #2\p@

 % We must take care of possible rounding problems with
 % \pst@divide (for instance, 1.8/1.8 give 1.0001)

 % We redefine Cyan, Magenta and Yellow in the “rgb” model





我不止一次告诉过你,你应该不是使用\setkeys。PSTricks 的正确宏是\psset

        \use@par% Assignment of local parameters


    \PstColorSynthesis@MixedColor{\csname PstColorSynthesis@Color#1\endcsname}%
    \PstColorSynthesis@MixedColor{\csname PstColorSynthesis@Color#2\endcsname}%
    \PstColorSynthesis@MixedColor{\csname PstColorSynthesis@Color#3\endcsname}%
    \psclip{\csname PstColorSynthesis@Surface#2\endcsname%
        \csname PstColorSynthesis@Surface#3\endcsname}
    \csname PstColorSynthesis@Surface#1\endcsname


\def\PstColorSynthesis@MixedColor@i#1 #2 #3 #4\@nil{%
    \advance\pst@dimg by #2\p@


enter image description here
