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\endgroup\vskip-1.323em\hskip0.5em\sffamily \thesection\hskip1em#1
\section{Section 1}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\kant[7]\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\section{Section 1}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
这样会生成具有特定样式的章节标题的文章。我的问题是:1.) 如何调整章节标题后面的灰色框的宽度,以便它延伸到边注上方?
2.) 尽管为标题指定了 LO、RE,但它们仍然只出现在左侧,无论页面是奇数还是偶数,这是为什么?我希望 UNIT 标题页眉在奇数页的左侧,在偶数页的右侧。
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some text to get a page
\section{Section 1}
\marginpar{\sloppy The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\marginpar{\sloppy The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\kant[7]\marginpar{\sloppy The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\section{Section 2}
\marginpar{\sloppy The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
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\fancyhead[LO,RE]{\footnotesize UNIT TITLE}
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\endgroup\vskip-1.323em\hskip0.5em\sffamily \thesection\hskip1em#1
\section{Section 1}
\kant[12] \marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the
objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of,
certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\kant[8] \marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the
objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of,
certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\kant[7]\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the
objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of,
certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\section{Section 1}
\kant[7] \marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the
objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of,
certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}