

我正在寻找一种在 LaTeX 中生成日历页面的简单方法,如下所示:http://www.latextemplates.com/template/monthly-calendar- 但是我无需考虑“正确的”工作日与日历的对齐。应该可以通过指定日期(例如 2017 年 2 月)自动正确布局页面。

此外,还必须可能会编辑日历中的文本很容易在 LaTeX 中,所以这不仅仅是打印出来并用墨水填写。我想最好的方法是两步流程,第一步生成 LaTeX 文件包含每天的条目,然后可以编辑特定日期的议程。另一种可能性是将日历条目设置为更简单的文本格式(应该可以在 git 版本控制中使用)并解析并插入从 latex 文件中正确提取它们。



  \month-\day / Today,
  2023-04-10 / A very long text with math $e = mc^2$ and so much text that the whole box and its five lines are needed,
  12-31 / New Year's Eve,
  2023-04-11 / A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y
  day event/.style={
    node contents={%
      \parshape 5 0pt \dimexpr\textwidth-1.9em 0pt \dimexpr\textwidth-1.9em
      0pt \textwidth 0pt \textwidth 0pt \textwidth #1\par},
    text height=+1em,
    text depth=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/minimum height}-2*(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner ysep})-1em,
    text width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/minimum width}-2*(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner xsep}),
  events/.style args={#1/#2}{
    if = {(equals=#1) [every day/.append style={day event={#2}}]}



您可以将其与 zjr 方法相结合在另一个答案中我使用多个宏并允许不同的样式,以便您可以使用各种类型的事件添加到日历中。




我还调整了主循环并添加trim lefttrim right抑制过多的 hbox 警告。


  every weekday/.style={
    anchor=south west, black,
    node contents=\%wt},
  weekday above/.style={
    if = {(day of month=1) [days={append after command={
          node [at={(\tikzlastnode.north west)},
                every weekday]}}]},
    if = {(day of month=2, day of month=3, day of month=4, day of month=5, day of month=6, day of month=7) [
          days={append after command={
          node [at={(@firstweekday.south west-|\tikzlastnode.south west)}, every weekday]}}]}},
  wall calendar/.style={
    week list, weekday above, day text=,
    day and weekday/.style={
      draw, outer sep=+0pt,
      minimum width=\linewidth/7,
      minimum height=+.125\textheight},
    day xshift=\linewidth/7,
    day yshift=\textheight/8,
    every day label/.style={
      anchor=north east,
      node contents={\%d=},
      inner sep=+.7em},
    every day/.append style={
      day and weekday,
      label={[every day label]north east:}},
    every weekday/.append style={
      day and weekday,
      minimum height=+2em}}}
  \month-\day / Today,
  2023-04-10 / A very long text with math $e = mc^2$ and so much text that the whole box and its five lines are needed,
  12-31 / New Year's Eve,
  2023-04-11 / A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y
  day event/.style={
    node contents={%
      \parshape 5 0pt \dimexpr\textwidth-1.9em 0pt \dimexpr\textwidth-1.9em
      0pt \textwidth 0pt \textwidth 0pt \textwidth #1\par},
    text height=+1em,
    text depth=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/minimum height}-2*(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner ysep})-1em,
    text width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/minimum width}-2*(\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner xsep}),
  events/.style args={#1/#2}{
    if = {(equals=#1) [every day/.append style={day event={#2}}]}
\foreach \mon in {01,0...,09,10,11,12}{% leading zero for trim left/right
  {\Huge \pgfcalendarmonthname{\mon}\par}
  {\huge \Year\par}
  \tikz[trim left=(weekday-\mon-0.west), trim right=(weekday-\mon-6.east)]
      dates=\Year-\mon-01 to \Year-\mon-last,
      wall calendar,
      events/.list/.expand once=\events,



