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            \runningtitle{Manuscript Preparation for CMES} 

            \title{Perfoe }
            Prah \thanks{Department of },\
             Dai \affiliate{1}\
             Tom \affiliate{1}\
            and \
            Tomoy \affiliate{1}
            This work presents
            \keyword{Micro-electric effect}
            \section{Formulation of }
            The a;\\
            The strain respectively are given by
            d n ctively.
            \subsection{Finite eley}
            The stan
            Various irequ step-by-step solution. 
            % subsection 3.1
            \subsubsection{Newc analysis}\label{newmark}
            IEq.(\ref{piezo_moton_eq_1}) \& Eq.(\ref{piezo_moton_eq_2}) wmark's time integration to Eq.(\ref{piezo_motion_eq_newmark_1}), we obtainWhere $\mathbf M$, $\mathbf C$, ${\mathbf{\hat K}}_{\mathrm {uu}}$ and  $ {^\mathrm{{t+\Delta t}}\hat {\mathbf F}}$  are the consistent mass matrix, daeleraated usingwhmed to 
            \subsubsection{Central difference integration method for linear dynamic piezoelectric analysis}\label{cd}
            \subsection{F co actuators}\label{dyna_algorithms}
            ve c
            The mw of the M.
            \subsubsection{Block ration (BJN)}\label{BJN}
            \section{Analysis ctuators}
            In this secto
            \tikzstyle{rect} = [rectangle, thick,draw,  text width=13em,align=center]
            \tikzstyle{rect_big} = [rectangle, thick,draw,  text width=16em,align=center]
            \tikzstyle{rect_med} = [rectangle, thick,draw,  text width=8em,align=center]
            \tikzstyle{line} = [very thick,red,draw, -latex']
            \tikzstyle{blank} = [node distance=1.6cm] %node dis=length of a line
            \node [rect] (top) {Piezoelectric bimorph actuators};
            \draw[thick,-] (0.0,-0.25) -- (0,-0.60);
            \draw[thick,-] (-3.0,-0.60) -- (3.0,-0.6);
            \draw[thick,->] (-3.0,-0.60) -- (-3.0,-1);
            \draw[thick,->] (3.0,-0.60) -- (3.0,-1);
            \node [blank, below of=top ] (blank1) {};
            \node [blank, below of=blank1, node distance=1.2cm ] (blank1) {};
            \node [rect_big, below =of top, yshift=0.3cm,xshift=-3.3cm] (left) {Bimroph actuators without metal shim \\ (or)\\Bimorph actuator};
            \node [rect_big, below  = of top,yshift=0.3cm,xshift=3.3cm] (right) {Bimroph actuators with metal shim \\ (or)\\Triple layer actuator};
            \draw[thick,-] (-3.50,-2.40) -- (-3.50,-2.80);
            \draw[thick,-] (-4.50,-2.80) -- (-2.50,-2.80);
            \draw[thick,->] (-4.50,-2.80) -- (-4.50,-3.10);
            \draw[thick,->] (-2.50,-2.80) -- (-2.50,-3.10);
            \node [rect_med, below = of left,yshift=0.3cm,xshift=-1.8cm ] (left-left) {Series connection};
            \node [rect_med, below = of left, yshift=0.3cm,xshift=1.6cm] (left-right) {Parallel connection};
            \draw[thick,-] (3.50,-2.40) -- (3.50,-2.80);
            \draw[thick,-] (4.50,-2.80) -- (2.50,-2.80);
            \draw[thick,->] (4.50,-2.80) -- (4.50,-3.10);
            \draw[thick,->] (2.50,-2.80) -- (2.50,-3.10);
            \node [rect_med, below = of right,yshift=0.3cm,xshift=-1.5cm ] (right-left) {Series connection};
            \node [rect_med, below = of right, yshift=0.3cm,xshift=1.9cm] (right-right) {Parallel connection};
            \caption{Classifuators }\label{bimorph classification}
            \noindent The exist Fig.\ref{Bimorph with metal shim in parallel connection}. 
            \subfloat[Bimorph in series connection]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.0in,width=2.20 in]{bimorph_series_no_metal.png} \label{Bimorph in series connection}
            } \qquad
            \subfloat[Bimorph in parallel connection]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.0in,width=2.20 in]{bimorph_parallel_no_metal.png} \label{Bimorph in parallel connection}
            \subfloat[Triple layer  actuator  in series connection]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.0in,width=2.2 in]{bimorph_series_with_metal.png}\label{Bimorph with metal shim in series connection}
            \subfloat[Triple layer actuator  in parallel connection]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.0in,width=2.20 in]{bimorph_parallel_with_metal.png}\label{Bimorph with metal shim in parallel connection}
            \caption{Differenever piezoelectric bimorph actuators}{\begin{tikzpicture} \filldraw[fill=white,thin] (0,0)rectangle (0.5,0.1); \end{tikzpicture} is piezoelectric ceramic layer},  {\begin{tikzpicture} \filldraw[fill=black,thin] (0,0)rectangle (0.5,0.1); \end{tikzpicture} is metal layer}, $\uparrow$ is polarization direction. \label{bimorph_config}
            Due to the u
            %\vspace{-1.10 in}
            \subsection{Bending dry}
             \omega_{r}^{(1)}=103.30\ \mathrm{rad/sec}                      
            \subsection{Results and discussion}
            f piezoelectric s.
            Tsts of 134 and  240 s,  
            \includegraphics[height=2.5in,width=3.0 in]{static_itr_vs_error_BJ_BGS.eps}
             \caption{converg analysis}  \label{itr_convergence_static}
            s. Figure \ref{itr_convergence_static} shows the convergence results of partitioned iterative coupling algorithms (BJ and BGS) r.
            \includegraphics[height=2.5in,width=3.0 in]{BS_series_no_metal_Th_MN_Part_BJ_BGS.eps}
             \caption{Numeric deflection} \label{bimorph_bending_numerical}
            Figure olutioscribed in Figure \ref{bimorph_config}. 
            It follows frotioned coupling.
            The  deflection to thon.
            \includegraphics[height=2.5in,width=3.0 in]{step_input_bimorph_series_no_metal_MN_BJN_BGSN.eps}
             \caption{The step response of bimorph actuator subjected to step bias V=1V with $\beta$=0.3025, $\gamma$=0.6 and $\rho_p$ =0} \label{step_resp}
            Figure s are obtained very efficiently by the coupled algorithms.
            \subsubsection{Dynamic analyoltage\\}
            The nung present( darix $\mathbf C$=100).
            \subfloat[$\Delta$t  for transient dynamic analysis at resonance frequency]{
              \includegraphics[height=2.0 in, width=2.2 in]{delta_t_study_107_MN_series_no_metal.eps} \label{delta_t_MN_107}
            \subfloat[$\Delta$t  for dynamic aarger than $\omega_r^{(1)}$]{
              \includegraphics[height=2.0 in,width=2.2 in]{delta_t_study_120_MN_series_no_metal.eps} \label{delta_t_MN_120}
            \caption{$\Delta$t  for transient dynamic analysis to detect resonance frequency with the MN algorithm for AC voltage $V$=1V } \label{delta_t_MN}
             When thMN algorithm for dynamic analysis of bimorph actuators without metal shim (Figure \ref{Bimorph in series connection} ion.
            \subfloat[Input frequency $\omega$=30 rad/sec]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.250 in, width=2.0 in]{w_30_mn.eps} \label{w=30}
            } \quad
            \subfloat[Input frequency $\omega$=95 rad/sec]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.250 in,width=2.0 in]{w_95_mn.eps} \label{w=95}
            } \\
            \subfloat[Input frequency $\omega$=106 rad/sec]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.250 in, width=2.0 in]{w_106_mn.eps} \label{w=106}
            } \quad
            \subfloat[Input frequency $\omega$=107 rad/sec]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.250 in,width=2.0in]{w_107_mn.eps} \label{w=107}
            \subfloat[Input frequency $\omega$=108 rad/sec]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.250 in, width=2.0 in]{w_108_mn.eps} \label{w=108}
            } \quad
            \subfloat[Input frequency $\omega$=185 rad/sec]{
              \includegraphics[height=1.250 in,width=2.0 in]{w_185_mn.eps} \label{w=185}
            \caption{Ardifferent frequencies with MN algorithm.}\label{mn_ac_resp}
            % It run successfully.
        Please Copy and Paste From section {Introduction} to subsubsection {Dynamiltage}
            Run again- Result is, it compile correctly without any error %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
            .Again Copy and paste From section {Introduction} to subsubsection {Dynamiltage}
            Result- It fails, because it exceeds 24 pages.
            Add anent when appropriate.
            \section{Example of appendix}
            Some text here.

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% Sample.tit 文件信息

\tocline {Manuscript Preparation Instructions for Publishing in Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences (CMES)} { S.N. Atluri\thanks {UCLA, LA, CA, USA.},\ K.J. Bathe\thanks {MIT, Boston, MA, USA.}\ and \ K. Bathe\affiliate {2} } {1}
\cmesvol {1} \ignore {1}
\cmesno {1} \ignore {1}
\cmesyear {2016} \ignore {1}
\cmesabs { This document saration. } {1}
\cmeskey {Manuscript, preparation, typeset, format, CMES.} {1}
\prevpage  {6}
