


        \caption{The acoustic pressure field of a finely meshed 2D model according to equation~\ref{eq:numberofelements} (12 mesh elements per wavelength).}
            \caption{The acoustic pressure field of a 2D model with 4 mesh elements per wavelength. }
    \caption{Two 2D simulations of the acoustic pressure field with different mesh resolutions. The slit in the middle of the circle is the smartphone and the outer ring is the PML. A single speaker is used. The axes are in meters.}

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我的问题在于图 (a) 和 (b) 的子标题彼此太近,看起来像长句子。如何在这两个标题之间添加空格?





        \caption{The acoustic pressure field of a finely meshed 2D model according to equation~\ref{eq:numberofelements} (12 mesh elements per wavelength).}
            \caption{The acoustic pressure field of a 2D model with 4 mesh elements per wavelength. }
    \caption{Two 2D simulations of the acoustic pressure field with different mesh resolutions. The slit in the middle of the circle is the smartphone and the outer ring is the PML. A single speaker is used. The axes are in meters.}




\usepackage{caption, subcaption}


\floatsetup{subfloatrowsep =qqquad}
    {\caption{The acoustic pressure field of a finely meshed 2D model according to equation~\ref{eq:numberofelements} (12 mesh elements per wavelength).}
       \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{ \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{images/mesh4}}
        {\caption{The acoustic pressure field of a 2D model with 4 mesh elements per wavelength. }
    \end{subfloatrow}} {\caption{Two 2D simulations of the acoustic pressure field with different mesh resolutions. The slit in the middle of the circle is the smartphone and the outer ring is the PML. A single speaker is used. The axes are in meters.}


