

我正处于论文写作的这个阶段,任何事情都会分散我的注意力,现在我正在清理我的 tex 序言,我的文档布局几乎完美到我想要的程度。有没有建议使用“清洁工”代码将不胜感激。这是我使用 latex 编写的第一篇文档。

\documentclass[11.5pt]{report} % Change font size here
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\geometry{a4paper} % Set the page size to be A4 
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\usepackage{float} % Allows putting an [H] in \begin{figure} to specify the exact location of the figure
\usepackage{wrapfig} % Allows in-line images
\graphicspath{{../figures/}}  % Specifies the directory where pictures are stored
\usepackage{newtxmath,newtxtext} %times new roman font
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Unicode Characters
\linespread{1.2} % Line spacing\frac{(\overline{w'c'})

%used to center the chapter headings and decrease the space before and after the heading which is unreasonable in the normal setting
  {\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{-5pt}{\huge}

\usepackage[colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,linkcolor=black,bookmarks=true,pagebackref]{hyperref} % makes color citations
  (\hyperlink{page.#1}{$\uparrow$#1})} %this is to add backref from bib to text, used with pagebackref^

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % only number chapters 
\usepackage[linguistics]{forest} % to create pretty diagrams

{0pt}{3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}{1ex plus .2ex}

  my rounded corners/.append style={rounded corners=2pt},




% document begin

%   Title page

%   Declaration

%   Abstract

%   Dedication

%   Preface

%   Table of contents
\tableofcontents % Include a table of contents
\newpage % Begins the essay on a new page instead of on the same page as the table of contents 

%   List of Figures

%   List of Tables

%   List of Abbreviations

%   Section: Introduction and background

%   Subsection: Aims, Objectives and Layout

%   Study Area, Data & Methods

%   Objective1

%   Obejctive2

%   Obejctive3

%   Conclusion
\chapter{Conclusion} % Major section

%   Bibliography
\bibliographystyle{agsm}%Choose a bibliograhpic style
\renewcommand{\bibpreamble}{$\uparrow$ refers back to in text citations}




编辑:我接受了 user124577 的回答,但是,我意识到组织序言的方法不止一种。我真的没想到这么快就能收到所有有用的反馈。我可以诚实地数出在我所在的大学里使用 latex 的人数,这个网站是上帝赐予我的,让我在没有太多其他支持的情况下真正理解 latex。



\documentclass[11pt]{report} % Change font size here
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=2.5cm]{geometry} % Change margins to 2.5cm on all sides

%% language, input and output options
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Unicode Characters
\usepackage{newtxmath,newtxtext} %times new roman font

%% graphics and float packages
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for including pictures
\usepackage{wrapfig} % Allows in-line images
\usepackage{float} % Allows putting an [H] in \begin{figure} to specify the exact location of the figure
\graphicspath{{../figures/}}  % Specifies the directory where pictures are stored

%% inclusion of other packages
\usepackage[linguistics]{forest} % to create pretty diagrams

%% setup titles and sectioning
  {\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{-5pt}{\huge}
{0pt}{3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}{1ex plus .2ex}

%% setup tikz, bookmarks, colors
  my rounded corners/.append style={rounded corners=2pt},

%% modify links
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  (\hyperlink{page.#1}{$\uparrow$#1})} %this is to add backref from bib to text, used with pagebackref

%% change lengths
\setlength{\parskip}{0.5em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}
\linespread{1.2} % Line spacing\frac{(\overline{w'c'})
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % only number chapters


% document begin

%   Title page

%   Declaration

%   Abstract

%   Dedication

%   Preface

%   Table of contents
\tableofcontents % Include a table of contents
\newpage % Begins the essay on a new page instead of on the same page as the table of contents 

%   List of Figures

%   List of Tables

%   List of Abbreviations

%   Section: Introduction and background

%   Subsection: Aims, Objectives and Layout

%   Study Area, Data & Methods

%   Objective1

%   Obejctive2

%   Obejctive3

%   Conclusion
\chapter{Conclusion} % Major section

%   Bibliography
\bibliographystyle{agsm}%Choose a bibliograhpic style
\renewcommand{\bibpreamble}{$\uparrow$ refers back to in text citations}


