


  1. 想要在电子邮件地址下方(日期上方)有一条粗水平线。我希望线的宽度与文本宽度相同(而不是跨越整个页面)。

  2. 需要在“真诚的”下面和我的名字上面添加签名图像。

  3. 如果需要,可以在左上方添加一个“Logo”,即地址在右侧,Logo在左侧。非常感谢任何解决方案。

以下是 MWE:

\topmargin = -1.5in    % Make letterhead start about 1 inch from top of page 
%\textheight = 9.8in  % text height can be bigger for a longer letter
\textheight = 10.0in  % text height can be bigger for a longer letter
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\textwidth = 7.3in   % textwidth of 6.5in leaves 1 inch for right margin
\signature{Khurshid Alam}
%\let\raggedleft\raggedright                % needed to get date flush left
\address{Khurshid Alam, Ph.D. \\
Department of Mathematics \& Statistics \\
University of Windsor \\
Windsor, ON, N9B 3P4 Canada \\
Phone: 1.226.961.1441 (Cell) \\
Email: [email protected]} 
\vfill % forces letterhead to top of page
%\medskip\hrule height 1pt
\longindentation = 0pt


{Chair, Department of Statistics  \\
University of  \\
Canada \\ 
Subject: Application for a ... Position} 

\opening{Dear Sir,}
I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 


\encl{(i) My CV, (ii) Teaching Philosophy Statement, and (iii) Teaching Evaluation Summary}









\usepackage[paper = a4paper,margin = 15mm]{geometry}


% A thick rule, 4 times the width of a regular rule
\newcommand{\thickhline}{\noalign {\ifnum 0=`}\fi \hrule \@height 4\arrayrulewidth \futurelet \reserved@a \@xhline}

\setlength{\parskip}{.5\baselineskip plus 2pt minus 1pt}



  \includegraphics[height=7\baselineskip]{example-image}% Your logo
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} l @{}}
  Khurshid Alam, Ph.D. \\
  Department of Mathematics \& Statistics \\
  University of Windsor \\
  Windsor, ON, N9B 3P4 Canada \\
  Phone: 1.226.961.1441 (Cell) \\
  Email: [email protected] \\[.5\normalbaselineskip]
  \thickhline \\[-.5\normalbaselineskip]


\begin{tabular}{@{} l @{}}
  Chair, Department of Statistics  \\
  University of \\


Subject: Application for a \ldots Position


Dear Sir,

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 

I am responding to the advertisement for the Assistant Professor position in the Mathematics \& Statistics Department at , which appeared on academickeys.com. 



\includegraphics[height=4\baselineskip,width=.3\linewidth]{example-image}% Your signature

Khurshid Alam


encl: (i) My CV, (ii) Teaching Philosophy Statement, and (iii) Teaching Evaluation Summary


