在 Textmate 中编译 LaTex 时遇到问题

在 Textmate 中编译 LaTex 时遇到问题

我正在尝试在 OS X 10.9.5 上的 Text Mate 2.0 中编译 Latex 代码,但每次我按 Command-R 时都会出现此错误:

“运行排版与视图 (PDF) 失败;命令返回错误状态代码 1。”

我尝试通过删除所有 Textmate 文件以及重新安装 Bundle-Support 来恢复默认设置,正如这篇文章中所建议的那样https://github.com/textmate/markdown.tmbundle/issues/19但它对我来说不起作用。

我尝试重新安装 MacTex 和 Textmate 并更改我的 PATH 变量。目前我的 PATH 变量(我确信它是错误的)是 $PATH:/usr/texbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin。


#!/usr/bin/env ruby18
# coding: utf-8

require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/process"
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/htmloutput"
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/save_current_document"

# To enable the typesetting of unsaved documents, you must change the “Save” setting of
# this command to “Current File” and add the variable TM_LATEX_AUTOSAVE to TextMate's
# Shell Variables preferences. Be warned that your document must be encoded as UTF-8 if
# you exercise this option — becauseTextMate.save_current_document cannot know the file 
# encoding you prefer.

TextMate.save_current_document unless ENV["TM_LATEX_AUTOSAVE"].nil?

texmate = ENV["TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT"] + "/bin/texmate.py"
engine_version = TextMate::Process.run(texmate, "version")
TextMate::HTMLOutput.show(:title => "Typesetting “#{ENV["TM_DISPLAYNAME"] || File.basename(ENV["TM_FILEPATH"])}”…", :sub_title => engine_version) do |io|
   TextMate::Process.run(texmate, 'latex', :interactive_input => false) do |line|
   io << line
::Process.exit($?.exitstatus || 0) # exitstatus is nil if our process is prematurely terminated (SIGINT)



    Please work.

这个问题有解决办法吗?如果没有,在 Latex 中编写问题集还有哪些其他选择?我想使用 TextMate,因为它有宏功能,但我愿意听取任何建议。
