

我正在使用下面的代码创建一个问题及其解决方案。如果我将ans命令(我创建的)设置为 true,则将打印解决方案,如果我将其设置ans为 false,则不会打印解决方案。

我担心的是,当我设置ans为 false 时,我需要有垂直空白。我希望垂直空白占据与解决方案相同的垂直空间,即当我使用时\null\vspace{4cm},我希望这个数字(我手动设置的)基于解决方案文本的实际大小。




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\lhead{\fancyplain{}{Mr.Stat}} % Course number on the left on 2nd page
\chead{\fancyplain{}{\emph{MLR}}}  % Course name in the center on 2nd page
\rhead{\fancyplain{}{Class2}}           % date of the course on 2nd page
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Assuming that $E(e_i)= 0,$ the response function for regression model is:
E(Y_i) = \beta_0+\beta_1X_{i1}+\cdots+\beta_kX_{ik}
This response function is a hyperplane, which is a plane in more than two dimensions. It is no longer possible to picture this response surface.

%------------------- Example 7.1 ----------------------
    Back to the example 1 find the 90\% CI for the mean response at $X_h= \begin{pmatrix}1\\6.5\\0.35\end{pmatrix}$
%****************************** Solution ********************************
The fitted value at $X_h$ is 

Y_h = X'_h\beta = \begin{pmatrix}1,&6.5,&0.35\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}0.6666667\\1.3166667\\-8.0000000\end{pmatrix}= 0.667 + 1.317(6.5) -8(0.35) = 6.425
SSE =Y'Y - \beta'X'Y = 396.57- 395.225 =1.345 \mbox{ then } MSE= 0.1494.
The 90\% CI for $E(Y_h)$ is 
    E(Y_h)&\in& \left(6.425 \pm 1.812\sqrt{(0.1494)(0.18125)}\right)= (6.425 \pm 0.117)= (6.308371, 6.541629)

