在 tikz 电路中对齐梯形

在 tikz 电路中对齐梯形


\usepackage{tikz}%to draw
\usepackage{circuitikz}%para dibujos con pouertas logicas etc
\usepackage{pgfplots}%graficas en tikz

\pgfmathtruncatemacro\patitas{2}%distance for patitas de las puertas lógicas etc

\begin{tikzpicture}[circuit logic US,
                tiny circuit symbols,
                every circuit symbol/.style={fill=white,draw, logic gate input sep=1mm},
node distance = 1cm,

%logic gate nodes

\node[and gate, draw, logic gate inputs=nn] at ($(1,0.5)$) (andpriman) {}; 
\node[and gate, draw, logic gate inputs=nn] [above of =andpriman] (andprima1) {};
\node[and gate, draw, logic gate inputs=nn] [node distance=1cm,above of =andprima1] (andn) {};
\node[and gate, draw, logic gate inputs=nn] [above of =andn] (and1) {}; 

\path ([yshift=-1mm]and1.south) -- (andn.north) node [black, font=\Large, midway, sloped] (vdots1) {$\dots$};    
\path ([yshift=-1mm]andprima1.south) -- (andpriman.north) node [black, font=\Large, midway, sloped] (vdots2) {$\dots$}; 

\node[or gate, draw, logic gate inputs=nn] [right of =vdots1] (orexcitatorias) {}; 
\node[nor gate, draw, logic gate inputs=nn] [right of =vdots2] (norinhibitorias) {}; 
\node at ($ (orexcitatorias) !.5! (norinhibitorias) $) (aux1) {}; 
\node[and gate, draw, logic gate inputs=nn] [right of =aux1]  (andgatherer) {};  

    \draw (andpriman.input 1) -- ++(left:\patitas mm) node[yshift=1mm, left=0mm] (xpriman) {$x'_{n'}$};
\draw (andpriman.input 2) -- ++(left:\patitas mm) node[yshift=-1mm, left=0mm] (wprimajn) {$i_{n'}$};
\draw (andprima1.input 1) -- ++(left:\patitas mm) node[yshift=1mm, left=0mm] (xpriman) {$x'_1$};
\draw (andprima1.input 2) -- ++(left:\patitas mm) node[yshift=-1mm, left=0mm] (wprimajn) {$i_1$};
\draw (andn.input 1) -- ++(left:\patitas mm) node[yshift=1mm, left=0mm] (xpriman) {$x_n$};
\draw (andn.input 2) -- ++(left:\patitas mm) node[yshift=-1mm, left=0mm] (wprimajn) {$e_n$};                \draw (and1.input 1) -- ++(left:\patitas mm) node[yshift=1mm, left=0mm] (xpriman) {$x_1$};
\draw (and1.input 2) -- ++(left:\patitas mm) node[yshift=-1mm, left=0mm] (wprimajn) {$e_1$};

\draw (and1.output) -- ++(right:\patitas mm) node [midway, right, blue] {$x_1 \cap e_1$} |- (orexcitatorias.input 1);
\draw (andn.output) -- ++(right:\patitas mm) node [midway, right, blue] {$x_n \cap e_n$} |- (orexcitatorias.input 2);
\draw (andprima1.output) -- ++(right:\patitas mm) node [midway, right, blue] {$x'_1 \cap i_1$} |- (norinhibitorias.input 1);
\draw (andpriman.output) -- ++(right:\patitas mm) node [midway, right, blue] {$x'_{n'} \cap i_{n'}$} |- (norinhibitorias.input 2);
\draw (orexcitatorias.output) -- ++(right:\patitas mm) node [midway, right, blue] {$\cup \left(x_i \cap e_i\right)$} |- (andgatherer.input 1);
\draw (norinhibitorias.output) -- ++(right:\patitas mm) node [midway, right, blue] {$\cup \left(x'_i \cap i_i\right)$} |- (andgatherer.input 2);

\node at ($ (orexcitatorias) !.5! (andgatherer)$) (aux2) {}; 
\node [trapezium, draw,minimum width=0.5cm,
trapezium left angle=65, trapezium right angle=65, rotate=270] [node distance=2cm,above of =aux2]  (addernode) {\small Adder}; 

\draw (andgatherer.output) -- ++(right:\patitas mm) node [midway,right,blue] {$E_n$} |- (addernode.south east);









\draw (andgatherer.output)
   -- ++(right:\patitas mm) node [midway,right,blue,below] {$E_n$}
   -- (andgatherer-|addernode.south);

addernode.south基线梯形的。由于梯形是旋转的,所以该点标志着梯形旋转后的左边界。(andgatherer-|addernode.south)表示从 开始的水平线andgatherer与从 开始的垂直线相交的点addernode.south。这正是从 开始的直线andgatherer应该结束的点。



    (0,6) node[and port] (and1) {}
    (0,4) node[and port] (and2) {}
    (0,2) node[and port] (and3) {}
    (0,0) node[and port] (and4) {}
    (3,5) node[or  port] (or1)  {}
    (3,1) node[nor port] (nor1) {}
    (5,3) node[and port] (and5) {}
    (6,3.5) node [trapezium, draw,minimum width=0.5cm,
                  trapezium left angle=65,trapezium right angle=65,
                  rotate=270,thick] (adder) {\small adder}
    (and1.out) node[right]{$x_1\cap e_1$}              |- (or1.in 1)
    (and2.out) node[right]{$x_n\cap e_n$}              |- (or1.in 2)
    (and3.out) node[right]{$x'_1\cap i_1$}             |- (nor1.in 1)
    (and4.out) node[right]{$x'_{n'}\cap i_{n'}$}       |- (nor1.in 2)
    (or1.out)  node[right]{$\bigcup_i (x_i\cap e_i)$}  |- (and5.in 1)
    (nor1.out) node[right]{$\bigcup_i (x'_i\cap i_i)$} |- (and5.in 2)
    (and5.out) node[below]{$E_n$}                      -- (and5.out-|adder.south)
    (adder.north) to [short,-o] +(0.5,0)
    \foreach \p/\l in
      {and1.in 1/{x_1},and1.in 2/e_1,
       and2.in 1/x_n,and2.in 2/e_n,
       and3.in 1/x'_1,and3.in 2/i_1,
       and4.in 1/x'_{n'},and4.in 2/i_{n'}%
      {([xshift=-0.5cm]\p) node[left]{$\l$} to [short,o-]  (\p)}
  \draw[loosely dotted,very thick]
    (-0.5,4.6) -- (-0.5,5.4)
    (-0.5,0.6) -- (-0.5,1.4)
