我想放一个来自网站的文章以 pdf 形式呈现,使其更易于阅读和打印。
\fancyhead[L]{Characteristics of UDP Packet Loss - Effect of TCP Traffic}
\cfoot{\hfill \thepage\ sur \pageref{LastPage}}
Hidenari, Sawashima\\ \texttt{<[email protected]>}\\ Nara Institute of Science and Technology\\ Japan\\~
Yoshiaki, Hori\\ \texttt{<[email protected]>} \\ Kyushu Institute of Design\\ Japan\\~
Hideki Sunahara\\ \texttt{<[email protected]>}\\ Nara Institute of Science and Technology\\ Japan
Yuji Oie\\ \texttt{<[email protected]>}\\ Nara Institute of Science and Technology\\ Japan
\title{\textbf{\huge Characteristics of UDP Packet Loss \\Effect of TCP Traffic}\\~\\~\texttt{\normalsize https://www.isoc.org/inet97/proceedings/F3/F3\_1.HTM\\~}}
\usepackage{booktabs} % for '\addlinespace' macro
\fancyhead[L]{Characteristics of UDP Packet Loss - Effect of TCP Traffic}
\cfoot{\hfill \thepage\ sur \pageref{LastPage}}
\title{Characteristics of UDP Packet Loss \\Effect of TCP Traffic\\~\\
\normalsize \texttt{https://www.isoc.org/inet97/proceedings/F3/F3\_1.HTM\\~}}
Hidenari, Sawashima\\ \texttt{<[email protected]>}\\ Nara Institute of Science and Technology\\ Japan
\end{tabular} &
Yoshiaki, Hori\\ \texttt{<[email protected]>} \\ Kyushu Institute of Design\\ Japan
\end{tabular} \\ \addlinespace[4ex] % create some vertical separation
Hideki Sunahara\\ \texttt{<[email protected]>}\\ Nara Institute of Science and Technology\\ Japan
\end{tabular} &
Yuji Oie\\ \texttt{<[email protected]>}\\ Nara Institute of Science and Technology\\ Japan