

enter image description here

我已经使用 LaTeX 多年了,通常我可以自己回答问题或者借助 stack exchange。直到现在。我在章节标题后出现了一个奇怪的垂直空格(见图)。当我不使用自定义命令时,这种情况实际上不会发生\fillspace。但在后面的小节(这里未显示)中,即使我使用相同的命令\fillspace,也不会发生这种情况,因此这似乎不是一个常见问题。奇怪的是,在我为您提供的有关这个问题的最小示例代码中没有发生这种情况(原始代码是针对 25 页长的课程...)。我创建和使用的另一个命令是\slv(它的作用相同,\\但可以防止反复出现“这里没有行结束”错误)。我怀疑我的新命令有一个细微的错误,但我就是想不通。





\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{book}
\usepackage{lmodern} % load a font with all the characters
\newcommand{\exo}{\vspace{0.1cm}\slv \ding{46}\textbf{\underline{Exercises}}: \\ \vspace{0.1cm}\slv }
\newcommand{\exm}{\vspace{0.1cm}\slv $\triangleright$ \textit{\underline{Examples}}: \\ \vspace{0.1cm}\slv }
\newcommand{\rem}{ \vspace{0.1cm}\slv $\bell$ \textbf{\underline{Remarks:}} }
\newcommand{\fillspace}[1]{\vspace{#1cm}\slv \checkmark\slv \vspace{#1cm}\slv}


\section{Second degree equations}
Among the equations that are still easily solvable are the second degree equations, which contain at least one second degree term and can generally be written\slv 
These equations have between zero and two real solutions, as we will see later.\\
1) Let us start from the equation $5x^2+3x-8=0$. We have\\
2) For the equation $2y^2+9=0$, we have\\
3) If we have something like $z^2-7z-3=5z^2-12$, we can transform the equation into\\
and thus we have\\blablabla...


enter image description here


我删除了\\您示例中的所有内容,除了末尾用于标记段落中间换行符的情况(这是唯一应该使用的情况),这样间距就更合理了。最好使用定义标题的功能,而不是仅使用带下划线的文本和间距,因为这样 latex 会处理标题周围的分页符,但这里我只关注间距。

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{book}
\usepackage{lmodern} % load a font with all the characters
%no!!! \newcommand{\slv}{\leavevmode\\}
$\triangleright$ \textit{\underline{Examples}}:\par
\newcommand{\rem}{\par\vspace{0.1}$\bell$ \textbf{\underline{Remarks:}} }


\section{Second degree equations}
Among the equations that are still easily solvable are the second degree equations, which contain at least one second degree term and can generally be written
These equations have between zero and two real solutions, as we will see later.

1) Let us start from the equation $5x^2+3x-8=0$. We have

2) For the equation $2y^2+9=0$, we have

3) If we have something like $z^2-7z-3=5z^2-12$, we can transform the equation into

and thus we have\\blablabla...



根据@David Carlisle 的建议做了一些修改后,我按照以下方式编写了代码,并添加了一些自定义结构的其他测试。有时我需要一个命令来留下一些空白,以便我的学生可以手动填写公式(这是命令 \sv 的作用)。您对此有更好的建议吗?

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{book}
\usepackage{lmodern} % load a font with all the characters
\newcommand{\sv}[1]{\par \vspace{#1cm}}
\paragraph{\ding{46} Exercises}:\par\vspace{0.1cm}}
\paragraph{$\triangleright$ Examples}:\par
\newcommand{\rem}{\par\vspace{0.1}\paragraph{$\bell$ Remarks}:}
\newcommand{\fillspace}[1]{\par\vspace{#1cm}\par\checkmark \par\vspace{#1cm}}


\section{Second degree equations}
Among the equations that are still easily solvable are the second degree equations, which contain at least one second degree term and can generally be written
\par These equations have between zero and two real solutions, as we will see later.

\par 1) Let us start from the equation $5x^2+3x-8=0$. We have

\par 2) For the equation $2y^2+9=0$, we have

\par 3) If we have something like $z^2-7z-3=5z^2-12$, we can transform the equation into

\par and thus we have \sv{1}
Find the coefficients $a$, $b$ and $c$ in the following equations:\\
a) $2x^2-5x+11=0$ \hspace{4cm} & b) $3t^2-14=0$\\
c) $-3w^2+11=8w$ & d) $-2x^2+4x-13=3x^2+9x$\\   
