我一直在努力将较长的 DNA 序列插入表格中。为了使表格更紧凑,我将序列的字体大小设置得更小,但这会在单元格顶部产生一些不必要的空间。我该怎么做才能消除这些空间?
\usepackage{gensymb} % Enables the \degree command for degree symbol
\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} % Margins
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered "X" column
\usepackage{seqsplit} % For splitting long DNA sequences
\usepackage[labelfont=bf, font=small]{caption} % Bold figure caption
\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{bar}{ | } % Custom separator
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Sets the paragraph indentation to 0, globally.
\setlength{\textfloatsep}{0pt} % Sets space after figure caption and main text
\textbf{Orientation} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Sequence} & \textbf{T\textsubscript{m} (\degree C)} & \textbf{Product} \\
Reverse & RV1 PstI & \ssmall{\seqsplit{CCTTGTAGACTCTGTTAATTTCCTGCAGCTCCTGG}} & 66 & A1, B1 \\
Forward & FW2 EcoRV & \ssmall{\seqsplit{TTGGTGCGGATATCTCGGTAGTGGGATACG}} & 66 & A2, B2 \\
Forward & His-tag FW1 & \ssmall{\seqsplit{GGAATAAACCATGCATCATCATCATCATCATTCTACTGTTCACGAAATC}} & \makecell{First round: 60 \\ Subsequently: 66} & A2 \\
Reverse & His-tag RV2 & \ssmall{\seqsplit{GATTTCGTGAACAGTAGAATGATGATGATGATGATGCATGGTTTATTCCTCC}} & \makecell{First round: 61 \\ Subsequently: 68} & A1 \\
Forward & $\Delta$Nterm His-tag FW1 & \ssmall{\seqsplit{AATAAACCATGCATCATCATCATCATCATGATGCTGAGCGGGATG}} & \makecell{First round: 57 \\ Subsequently: 69} & B2 \\
Reverse & $\Delta$Nterm His-tag RV2 & \ssmall{\seqsplit{CATCCCGCTCAGCATCATGATGATGATGATGATGCATGGTTTATTCCTC}} & \makecell{First round: 57 \\ Subsequently: 69} & B1 \\
\caption{Primers used for PCR. All primers are listed 5’$\rightarrow$3’ For the last four primers, the 6-histidine CATCATCATCATCATCAT (and reverse complementary) sequence does not anneal in the first few rounds of PCR, hence the lower Tm for the first round. The primers RV1 PstI and FW2 EcoRV create overhangs to restore the restriction sites.}
\usepackage{gensymb} % Enables the \degree command for degree symbol
\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} % Margins
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\Centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered "X" column
\usepackage{seqsplit} % For splitting long DNA sequences
\usepackage[labelfont=bf, font=small]{caption} % Bold figure caption
\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{bar}{ | } % Custom separator
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Sets the paragraph indentation to 0, globally.
\setlength{\textfloatsep}{0pt} % Sets space after figure caption and main text
\textbf{Orientation} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Sequence} & \textbf{T\textsubscript{m} (\degree C)} & \textbf{Product} \\
Reverse & RV1 PstI & \ssmall{\seqsplit{CCTTGTAGACTCTGTTAATTTCCTGCAGCTCCTGG}} & 66 & A1, B1 \\
Forward & FW2 EcoRV & \ssmall{\seqsplit{TTGGTGCGGATATCTCGGTAGTGGGATACG}} & 66 & A2, B2 \\
Forward & His-tag FW1 & \ssmall{\seqsplit{GGAATAAACCATGCATCATCATCATCATCATTCTACTGTTCACGAAATC}} & \makecell{First round: 60 \\ Subsequently: 66} & A2 \\
Reverse & His-tag RV2 & \ssmall{\seqsplit{GATTTCGTGAACAGTAGAATGATGATGATGATGATGCATGGTTTATTCCTCC}} & \makecell{First round: 61 \\ Subsequently: 68} & A1 \\
Forward & $\Delta$Nterm His-tag FW1 & \ssmall{\seqsplit{AATAAACCATGCATCATCATCATCATCATGATGCTGAGCGGGATG}} & \makecell{First round: 57 \\ Subsequently: 69} & B2 \\
Reverse & $\Delta$Nterm His-tag RV2 & \ssmall{\seqsplit{CATCCCGCTCAGCATCATGATGATGATGATGATGCATGGTTTATTCCTC}} & \makecell{First round: 57 \\ Subsequently: 69} & B1 \\
\caption{Primers used for PCR. All primers are listed 5’$\rightarrow$3’ For the last four primers, the 6-histidine CATCATCATCATCATCAT (and reverse complementary) sequence does not anneal in the first few rounds of PCR, hence the lower Tm for the first round. The primers RV1 PstI and FW2 EcoRV create overhangs to restore the restriction sites.}