修改书目 - 总页数和缩写

修改书目 - 总页数和缩写

目前我正在编写参考书目。有两个问题无法解决: - 我想在参考书目中插入页数总计。 - 应仅显示机构名称而非机构缩写。




    % --- () footnotes
    % --- () year footnotes





    %%%%%%%%%% MODIFICATION: BIBLIOGRAPY %%%%%%%%%%

    % --- Sort authors --- % 

    % --- colon after author and year --- % 

    % --- No "-" for the same authors --- % 

    % --- more space between references --- % 

    % - German / English literature - %
        \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}{#1\adddot\addnbspace Jg\adddot\addcomma}%
        \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{number}{\addspace Nr\adddot\addnbspace#1}% 
        \DeclareFieldFormat{edition}{#1\adddot\addnbspace Aufl\adddot\addcomma}%

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        \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{number}{\addspace No\adddot\addnbspace#1}%
        \DeclareFieldFormat{edition}{#1\adddot\addnbspace Ed\adddot\addcomma}%

    % title without quotation marks %

    % No publisher %

    % URL %
        %\DeclareFieldFormat{url}{\printtext{URL\addcolon}\space\url{#1}}       % "URL" --> "Unter:"
        %\DeclareFieldFormat{urldate}{\bibstring{urlseen}\space#1}               % date without brackets
        %\DefineBibliographyStrings{ngerman}{%                                   % "besucht am" --> "am"
        %urlseen = {besucht am}}
        %\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{%                                   % "besucht am" --> "am"
        %urlseen = {accessed}}


     year = {2013},
     title = {The Prudential Regulation Authority’s approach to banking supervision},
     url = {www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/praapproach/bankingappr1304.pdf},
     urldate = {2017-01-31},
     number = {3},
     series = {PRA approach documents},
     editor = {{Prudential Regulation Authority}},
     shortauthor = {PRA},
     pagetotal = {42},
     hyphenation = {english}

     year = {2013},
     title = {The Prudential Regulation Authority’s approach to banking supervision},
     url = {www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/praapproach/bankingappr1304.pdf},
     urldate = {2017-01-31},
     number = {3},
     series = {PRA approach documents},
     editor = {{Prudential Regulation Authority}},
     shortauthor = {PRA},
     pagetotal = {42},
     hyphenation = {german}








默认情况下,pagetotal不会为所有条目类型打印 。默认情况下,我们会为 和类似类型获取它@book@collection只要有意义。其他类型(例如@article@incollection)通常具有pages字段,但不会获取pagetotal。我们可以为@misc和添加该字段


也可以看看文章的页面总数 - Biblatex

如果你只想看到“PRA”而不是Prudential Regulation Authority,为什么不直接给出editor

editor = {PRA},

{{Prudential Regulation Authority}}如果您不打算使用它,保留它就没有意义。
