我发现下面的代码可用于学术简历(我从 Chiu Yu Ko 网站上获取的:https://sites.google.com/site/kochiuyu/latex-1#TOC-Using-Latex-for-CV)。
% Fonts
% Set your name here
\def\name{Your Name}
\def\email{Your Email}
% The following metadata will show up in the PDF properties
colorlinks = true,
urlcolor = black,
pdfauthor = {\name},
pdfkeywords = {economics, industrial organization,
applied game theory},
pdftitle = {\name: Curriculum Vitae},
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% Don't indent paragraphs.
% Make lists without bullets and compact spacing
% Place name at left
{\huge \name}
Department of Economics \\
% Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences \\
National University of Singapore \\
Singapore 117570
Phone: \phone \\
Email: \href{mailto:\email}{\email} \\
Website: \href{https://\website}{\website}
\item Ph.D. Economics, National University of Singapore, 2016 (Expected).
\item \emph{Dissertation:} ``Title''.
\item \emph{Committee:} Your advice (Chair), Committee Members.
\item B.A. Economics, National University of Singapore, 2005.
\section*{Research Interest}
\item Primary: Applied Game Theory, and Industrial Organization
\item Secondary: Political Economy, Financial Economics, and Economic History
\section*{Research Papers}
\item (Job Market Paper) Title of Paper 1 (with Coauthor) .
\item Title of Paper 2 (with Coauthor) .
\item Title of Paper 3 (with Coauthor) .
\section*{Conference Presentations}
\item My important Paper
\item XXX Conference, Jul 5--7, 2015
\item YYY Conference, Jul 5--7, 2014
\section*{Teaching Experience}
\item Teaching Assistant, Macroeconomics, Fall 2015
\item Teaching Assistant, Microeconomics, Fall 2014
\item Teaching Assistant, Econometrics, Fall 2013
Prof. ABC\\
National University of Singapore \\
Singapore 117570
Prof. CDE\\
National University of Singapore \\
Singapore 117570
Prof. CDE\\
National University of Singapore \\
Singapore 117570
% Footer
Last updated: \today
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