我在网上搜索了类似的问题,但没有找到答案。我还尝试了“myfonts.com”,但没有找到满意的结果。最后,我查看了他的书的 PDF 版本,并通过转到“文档属性”检查了 pdf 查看器能够检测到的字体。但是,结果(主要是 Courier、Helvetica 和 Times 的变体)看起来与实际不太相似。
我之所以问这个问题,是因为 Munkres 给我的印象是一本非常容易阅读的书,我希望以类似的方式格式化我的论文。例如,他在定理环境中的“f”与他在数学模式下的“f”看起来不同,这使得区分两者变得非常容易。
编辑:我理解你们中的一些人可能认为这是 如何找出文档或图片中使用的字体?,但我尝试了该帖子中提到的方法,但并没有解决我的问题。不过,幸运的是,你们中的一些人已经回答了我的问题,对此我非常感激。
这绝对是 Times 字体。
{\topsep}% Space above
{\topsep}% Space below
{\slshape}% Body font
{}% Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
{\bfseries}% Thm head font
{.}% Punctuation after thm head
{0.5em}% Space after thm head: " " = normal interword space;
% \newline = linebreak
{}% Thm head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal')
The subject of topology is of interest in its own right,
and it serves also to lay the foundations for future studies
in analysis, in geometry, and in algebraic topology.
There is no universal agreement among mathematicians as to
what a first course in topology should include; there are
many topics that are appropriate to such a course, and not
all are equally relevant to these differing purposes.
In the choice of material to be treated, I~have tried to
strike a balance among the various points of view.
Let $f:X\to Y$. If the function $f$ is continuous, then for
every convergent sequence $x_{n}\to x$ in~$X$, the sequence
$f(x_n)$ converges to $f(x)$. The converse holds if $X$ is