我正在寻找一种方法来绘制由多个云形状组成的图像。以下 MWE:
\tikzstyle {cloudkeys} = [cloud puffs=30, cloud puff arc=150, aspect=1.25, inner sep=0.7cm,]
\tikzstyle {mycloud} = [draw, cloud, cloudkeys, fill=blue!25, nearly opaque]
\coordinate (cloud 0);
\coordinate [right=\CloudDist cm of cloud 0] (cloud 1);
\coordinate [right=\CloudDist cm of cloud 1] (cloud 2);
\foreach \x in {0,1,2} {
\node [mycloud] at (cloud \x) (local map cloud shape \x) {};
\tikzstyle {cloudkeys} = [cloud puffs=30, cloud puff arc=150, aspect=1.25, inner sep=0.7cm,]
\tikzstyle {mycloud} = [draw, cloud, cloudkeys, fill=blue!25, nearly opaque]
\coordinate (cloud 0);
\coordinate [right=\CloudDist cm of cloud 0] (cloud 1);
\coordinate [right=\CloudDist cm of cloud 1] (cloud 2);
\path (cloud 0) -- (cloud 1) coordinate[midway] (cloud edge 1);
\path (cloud 1) -- (cloud 2) coordinate[midway] (cloud edge 2);
\node[cloud, cloudkeys,outer sep=2pt] (temp) at (cloud 0) {};% invisible, used for clip rectangle
\clip (temp.south -| temp.west) rectangle (temp.north -| cloud edge 1);
\node [mycloud] at (cloud 0) (local map cloud shape 0) {};
\node[cloud, cloudkeys,outer sep=2pt] (temp) at (cloud 1) {};% invisible, used for clip rectangle
\clip (temp.south -| cloud edge 1) rectangle (temp.north -| cloud edge 2);
\node [mycloud] at (cloud 1) (local map cloud shape 1) {};
\node[cloud, cloudkeys,outer sep=2pt] (temp) at (cloud 2) {};% invisible, used for clip rectangle
\clip (temp.south -| cloud edge 2) rectangle (temp.north -| temp.east);
\node [mycloud] at (cloud 2) (local map cloud shape 2) {};
\tikzstyle {cloudkeys} = [cloud puffs=30, cloud puff arc=150, aspect=1.25, inner sep=0.7cm,]
\tikzstyle {mycloud1} = [draw, cloud, cloudkeys, fill=blue!25]
\tikzstyle {mycloud2} = [ cloud, cloudkeys, fill=blue!25]
\coordinate (cloud 0);
\coordinate [right=\CloudDist cm of cloud 0] (cloud 1);
\coordinate [right=\CloudDist cm of cloud 1] (cloud 2);
\begin{scope}[transparency group,nearly opaque]
\foreach \x in {0,1,2} {
\node [mycloud1] at (cloud \x) (local map cloud shape \x) {};
\foreach \x in {0,1,2} {
\node [mycloud2] at (cloud \x) (local map cloud shape \x) {};