

在已经有参考书目的文档中,有时我需要在 latex 文件的其他位置插入有关书籍的信息。为了节省在文档的其他位置输入书籍信息的时间,还有其他方法吗?例如,我基本上想这样做:



In this chapter, you will need to have already purchased and reflected upon:

\specialbibliography{book1, book2}

Having read that book, now we can move on to consider...



  author = {Talbert, Charles H.},
  title = {Reading John: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles},
  location = {New York},
  publisher = {Crossroad},
  date = {1992}
  author = {Robinson, James M. and Koester, Helmut},
  title = {Trajectories through Early Christianity},
  location = {Philadelphia},
  publisher = {Fortress},
  date = {1971}
  author = {Scott, Bernard Brandon and Dean, Margaret and Sparks, Kristen and LaZar, Frances},
  title = {Reading New Testament Greek},
  location = {Peabody, MA},
  publisher = {Hendrickson},
  date = {1993}
  author = {Egger, Wilhelm},
  title = {How to Read the New Testament: An Introduction to Linguistic and Historical-Critical Methodology},
  shorttitle = {How to Read},
  translator = {Heinegg, Peter},
  location = {Peabody, MA},
  publisher = {Hendrickson},
  date = {1996}
  author = {Wellhausen, Julius},
  title = {Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels},
  edition = {2},
  location = {Berlin},
  publisher = {Reimer},
  date = {1883}

\section*{Section 1}

In this chapter, you will need to have already purchased and reflected upon:


\subsection*{Or using \texttt{\textbackslash fullcite}:}



\section*{Section 2}

Having read that book, now we can move on to consider...




enter image description here
