

我正在使用代尔夫特理工大学论文模板:http://www.tudelft.nl/thema/handleiding-huisstijl/downloads/ 目录中只显示章节编号和附录,但我希望同时显示章节和附录这两个字。但我不希望标题本身\mainmatter包含这两个字。在标题中,我只希望数字和字母\appendix 目前情况如下


我假设你使用dissertation.cls来自在此 zip 档案中在您链接到的网页上,它将加载类book和(除其他外)包titletoc。然后,您可以通过在序言中添加以下几行来实现所需的目的:

%%% The following lines add Chapter or Appendix in front of the number
  {\bfseries\chapappname\ \thecontentslabel\quad}%
%%% Initially, for the main part of the document, set the label to "Chapter"


%%% Sets the label in the table of contents to "Appendix"

但有一个问题:由于 LaTeX 错误,您可能无法使用\include它来包含附录的代码。相反,请\input直接使用或将其写入主文件。

%%% The appendices have to be included with `\input`, not `\include`
%%% due to a bug in LaTeX, otherwise the appendices will also be
%%% labeled "Chapter"
%%% Wrong: \include{appendix-a/appendix-a}


%%% The following lines add Chapter or Appendix in front of the number
  {\bfseries\chapappname\ \thecontentslabel\quad}%
%%% Initially, for the main part of the document, set the label to "Chapter"

%% Specify the title and author of the thesis. This information will be used on
%% the title page (in title/title.tex) and in the metadata of the final PDF.
\title[Optional Subtitle]{Title}

%% Use Roman numerals for the page numbers of the title pages and table of
%% contents.


%% The (optional) dedication can be used to thank someone or display a
%% significant quotation.
\dedication{\epigraph{Science is a wonderful thing \\ if one does not have to earn one's living at it.}{Albert Einstein}}



%% Use Arabic numerals for the page numbers of the chapters.

%% Turn on thumb indices.


%% Use letters for the chapter numbers of the appendices.
%%% Sets the label in the table of contents to "Appendix"

%%% The appendices have to be included with `\input`, not `\include`
%%% due to a bug in LaTeX, otherwise the appendices will also be
%%% labeled "Chapter"

%% Turn off thumb indices for unnumbered chapters.




%%% The following lines add Chapter or Appendix in front of the number
  {\color{title}\bfseries\chapappname\ \thecontentslabel\quad}%
%%% Initially, for the main part of the document, set the label to "Chapter"


%%% The following lines add Chapter or Appendix in front of the number
  {\color{title}\bfseries\chapappname\ \thecontentslabel\quad}%
%%% Initially, for the main part of the document, set the label to "Chapter"

%% Specify the title and author of the thesis. This information will be used on
%% the title page (in title/title.tex) and in the metadata of the final PDF.
\title[Optional Subtitle]{Title}

%% Use Roman numerals for the page numbers of the title pages and table of
%% contents.


%% The (optional) dedication can be used to thank someone or display a
%% significant quotation.
\dedication{\epigraph{Science is a wonderful thing \\ if one does not have to earn one's living at it.}{Albert Einstein}}



%% Use Arabic numerals for the page numbers of the chapters.

%% Turn on thumb indices.


%% Use letters for the chapter numbers of the appendices.
%%% Sets the label in the table of contents to "Appendix"

%%% The appendices have to be included with `\input`, not `\include`
%%% due to a bug in LaTeX, otherwise the appendices will also be
%%% labeled "Chapter"

%% Turn off thumb indices for unnumbered chapters.


