目前,字符串中有一个非 ASCII 字符 -- -- pp. 1–8
(2 个连续的破折号,将排版为短破折号)或启用utf8
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % enable utf8-encoded characters
H. Nicanfar, P. Jokar, and V. Leung, ``Smart grid authentication
and key management for unicast and multicast
communications,`` in IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid
Technologies Asia (ISGT), pp. 1–8, 2011. % <-- non-ASCII dash
H. Nicanfar, P. Jokar, and V. Leung, ``Smart grid authentication
and key management for unicast and multicast
communications,`` in IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid
Technologies Asia (ISGT), pp. 1--8, 2011. % <-- 2 plain dashes