

我正在用 tex 写一篇论文(见截图),我发现渲染器有时会在两个部分之间留下很多空白。特别是,如果我在本节末尾有一个表格,那么表格和下一节的开头之间就会有很多空白。


更新这是完整 overleaf 项目的链接。https://www.overleaf.com/8871433zwvgwsnqtrhj

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CODE FOR IMAGE 1 RIGHT COLUMN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
The above proposition shows that if $\ab=\bb$ and $\cb \ge 0$ then by setting
$\bE = \rp \cap B(\ab, ||\ab||)$ we can satisfy the above constraints.
Unfortunately, we were not able to drive suitable constraints for models C and
D. \tabref{tab:proptrans} summarizes our proposed constraints.
  \begin{tabular}{c | l}
    Model & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Constraints}\\\hline
    A & $\begin{aligned}
      &\r_1'' \ge \lambda \r_1, \lambda \r_2 + (1-\lambda)\r'_1 \le \Z\\
      & \ip{\e''}{\r_2''} \ge (1-\lambda)\ip{\e'}{\r_2'}\end{aligned}$\\[1ex]\hline
    B & $\begin{aligned}
      &\r_1'' + \e'' + (1-\lambda)(\r_1' + \e')=0,\\
      &{\ip{\r_2''}{\e''} \ge (1-\lambda)\ip{\r_2'}{\e'}}, \text{and}\\
      &\ab \ge \Z, \forall x \in \cE,\ \x \in \rp \cap B(\ab, ||\ab||)\end{aligned}$\\
  \caption{Sufficient constraints for enforcing $\proptrans(r, r', e', r'',
    e'')$. $\ab = \frac{\r_1'' - \lambda \r_1 + \e''}{\lambda}$.}

\subsubsection{Type Implication}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CODE FOR IMAGE 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\tabref{tab:impl} summarizes the constraints for
different scoring functions.
  \begin{tabular}{r | l}
    Model & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Constraints}\\\hline
    A, \AR , B &  $\r \le \r'$\\
    C, D &  $\r \le \r' \le -\r$
  \caption{Constraints sufficient for enforcing $\implication(r, r')$ under different
  score models and composition functions. The constraint that $\e \ge \Z \forall
  e \in \cE$ applies in all rows.}

\subsubsection{Reverse Relational Implication}

示例 2

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CODE FOR PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usepackage[disable]{todonotes} % insert [disable] to disable all notes.
% ------------- listings -------------- %
% ------------- algorithmicx --------------- %
% The package algorithmicx itself doesn’t define any algorithmic commands
% algpseudocode is the predefined command set that must be used.
\algnewcommand{\LeftComment}[1]{\(\triangleright\) #1}%
% Set skips to very low values
