多个 TikZ 节点中第一个节点的间距很奇怪

多个 TikZ 节点中第一个节点的间距很奇怪

我想使用 TikZ 创建一个简单的图表。下面的代码显示了一个我无法解决的问题:第一个节点的第二个和第三个单元格之间的间距(单词“某些条件”和列表之间的间距itemize)与所有其他节点不同。请注意第一个节点指的是代码中首先定义的状态 2,而不是图片顶部的那个状态 1。我在表格中添加了一些行,以便更好地说明“某些文本”部分的问题。

似乎在 中添加更多空间topsepitemize产生负面影响,而添加below=of orig部分(参见注释行)以强制使用相同的语法不会改变任何内容。我该怎么做才能让第一个节点看起来与其他节点完全一样?






\tikzset{line/.style={draw, thick, -latex', color=black}}
\tikzset{newbox/.style={rounded corners=1.75pt, very thick, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=brown!90!black}}

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.0cm and 0.7cm, auto]
    %\coordinate (orig) at (0,0);
    %\node [newbox, below=of orig] (s2) {
    \node [newbox] (s2) {
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\color{red}{\textsc{State 2}}}\\\hline
        {some condition:}\\\hline
            \item Some Text
            \item Some More Text Here
    \node [newbox, right=of s2] (s3) {
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\color{red}{\textsc{State 3}}}\\\hline
        {some condition:}\\\hline
            \item Some Text
            \item Some More Text Here

    \coordinate (mid) at ($(s2.north east)!0.5!(s3.north west)$);

    \node [newbox, above=of mid] (s1) {
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\color{red}{\textsc{State 1}}}\\\hline
        {some condition:}\\\hline
            \item Some Text
            \item Some More Text Here

    \draw [line] (s1) -- (s2);
    \draw [line] (s2) --++ (s3);
    \draw [line] (s3) to [min distance=50pt,out=15,in=30,looseness=1] node[above] {otherwise} (s3);
    \draw [line] (s3) to [loop above,looseness=4] node[above] {otherwise} (s3);
    \draw [line] (s3.south) --++ (0cm,-0.5cm) -| (s2);






    line/.style={draw, thick, -latex', color=black},
    newbox/.style={rounded corners=1.75pt, very thick, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, draw=brown!90!black},

  \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.0cm and 0.7cm, auto]
    \node [newbox] (s2) {
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\color{red}{\textsc{State 2}}}\\\hline
        {some condition:}\\\hline
            \item Some Text
            \item Some More Text Here
    \node [newbox, right=of s2] (s3) {
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\color{red}{\textsc{State 3}}}\\\hline
        {some condition:}\\\hline
            \item Some Text
            \item Some More Text Here

    \coordinate (mid) at ($(s2.north east)!0.5!(s3.north west)$);

    \node [newbox, above=40pt of mid] (s1) {
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\color{red}{\textsc{State 1}}}\\\hline
        {some condition:}\\\hline
            \item Some Text
            \item Some More Text Here

    \draw [line] (s1) -- (s2);
    \draw [line] (s2) --++ (s3);
    \draw [line] (s3) to [min distance=50pt,out=15,in=30,looseness=1] node[above] {otherwise} (s3);
    \draw [line] (s3) to [loop above,looseness=4] node[above] {otherwise} (s3);
    \draw [line] (s3.south) --++ (0cm,-0.5cm) -| (s2);


