Longtable 和 tabularx 以及自动换行问题

Longtable 和 tabularx 以及自动换行问题

我有一个大于单页的表格 (tabularx),因此我尝试使用 longtable 包。Mytable 包含较长的文本,当我尝试将 tabularx-table 放入“longtable 环境”时,该文本超出了页边距 - 我认为是因为选项“X”不再受支持。因此我寻找其他包并找到了 tabu/longtabu ... 但说实话,情况变得更糟了。有人能帮我吗?







\textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\

                        \textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\

                        \textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\

                        \textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\

                        \textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\

                        \textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\

                        \textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\

                        \textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\
                        \textbf{principle x}    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                        &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X}{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. } \\
                        &   sub-principle: &  \tabitem subprinciple I \par \tabitem subprinciple II \par \tabitem subprinciple III\\





\multicolumn{3}{l}{{continued from previous page}} \\

\multicolumn{3}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\


  • 由于您的表格位于浮动环境 ( table) 中,该环境仅限于一页,因此包含\endfirsthead毫无\endhead意义。如果这是需求,则应使用longtable,请参阅下面的第二个示例。


  • 我建议使用tabular*而不是tabularx

从你的 MWE 我制作了真正的最小 MWE :) 并定义\newcommand\mc[1]{...}\multicolumn

\usepackage{booktabs, longtable, tabularx}

principle x     &   \mc{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                    &   \mc{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. }        \\
                &   sub-principle: 
                    &   \tabitem subprinciple I \par 
                        \tabitem subprinciple II \par 
                        \tabitem subprinciple III                                   \\
principle x     &   \mc{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                    &   \mc{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. }        \\
                &   sub-principle:
                    &   \tabitem subprinciple I \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple II \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple III                                   \\
principle x     &   \mc{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}\\
                    &   \mc{This is a very long text that belongs to the principle mentioned above. I hope that the automatic word wrap is working. }        \\
                &   sub-principle:
                    &   \tabitem subprinciple I \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple II \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple III                                   \\




\usepackage{booktabs, longtable, tabularx}

\usepackage{lipsum}     % for dummy text in table
\usepackage{showframe}  % for show table layout


    \label{title}                               \\ 
\caption[title]{continued from previous page}   \\
\multicolumn{3}{r}{Continued on next page}      \\
principle x     &   \mc{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}    \\
                    &   \mc{\lipsum*[1]}                            \\
                &   sub-principle: 
                    &   \tabitem subprinciple I \par 
                        \tabitem subprinciple II \par 
                        \tabitem subprinciple III                   \\
principle x     &   \mc{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}    \\
                    &   \mc{\lipsum*[1]}                            \\
                &   sub-principle:
                    &   \tabitem subprinciple I \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple II \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple III                   \\
principle x     &   \mc{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}    \\
                    &   \mc{\lipsum*[1]}                            \\
                &   sub-principle:
                    &   \tabitem subprinciple I \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple II \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple III                   \\
principle x     &   \mc{\textbf{This is one of many principles}}    \\
                    &   \mc{\lipsum*[1]}                            \\
                &   sub-principle:
                    &   \tabitem subprinciple I \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple II \par
                        \tabitem subprinciple III                   \\

