

我用类编写了一个 LaTeX 文件leaflet,它编译得很好,okular 上的预览也很好,但是当我尝试打印时,第一页可以,而第二页却打印不出来。我还尝试将 pdf 的页面分开或并排打印。转换为 tiff,没有成功。转换为.ps无法正常工作。

更新:注释掉两者includegraphics 解决问题。只注释掉一个则不行。

更新:用 article 替换 essentialleaflet并取消注释所有特别相关的内容也可以解决问题。奇怪的是, leaflet-manual 中leaflet 有示例和图片,它们可以正常工作。leaflet


更新:尝试提供一个最小示例,为 graphicx 赋予 draft 或 demo 选项会导致选项冲突,尽管所有类似 graphic 的包都已被删除。用 RequirePackage 替换 usepackage 并放置在 documentclass{leaflet} 之前,冲突便会消失。这给出了一些迹象,表明 leaflet 类使用了 graphics 包。

使用演示选项,文件打印 fie。也许这表明我的图片在某种意义上是错误的。

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\title{The problem with c'' and its solution DR-mechanism}

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You dream that on your French oboe the c'' sounds as pleasant as a' or b', 
is easy to intonate and fits well into the sequence of adjacent tones, 
without struggling with the reed and the embouchure and 
without changing to the thumbplate system? 
-- There is no such c'' to be found on your oboe?

If you think so, 
try playing b' and press the lever at the side 
to open the half tone hole for c''! 
Place the forefinger of you right hand above the key.


Do you hear the difference?


You want to play this c'', without learning a new fingering, 
preserving your accustomed haptic sensation? 
Our DR-mechanism (Doehnert-Reissner-mechanism) allows you to do this. 
You can borrow and try out one of our modified instruments 
to convince yourself of its quality. 
If you like it, we can equip your instrument with the DR-mechanism, 
regardless of whether you are playing an automatic 
or semi-automatik instrument, an oboe, an oboe d'Amore or an English     horn.


\section{How the DR-mechanism works}

Applying the usual fingering, 
the DR-mechanism opens and closes the toneholes as if the c'' 
were played pressing the rocker at the side:
If you play c'', only the toneholes for c and b$\flat$ open, 
without closing the g tonehole, 
because it is no longer under the right hand forefinger, 
but rotated to the side and opened and closed by an additional key. 
The DR-mechanism does not affect any tone but c''.

And that is what it looks like: 


\section{Who we are }

Ernst Reissner (+49-174-39 18 17 3): 
Mathematician, member of the 
"Institut für Musikinstrumentenforschung 'Georg Kinsky' e.V. Leipzig", 
has invented the DR-mechanism, created the principal design 
and holds the patent.  
Uwe Doehnert (+49-341-14 99 451): 
Owner of the Holzblas-Atelier Leipzig, 
master craftsman for woodwind instruments and 
Principal Master (President) of the Guild of Music Instrument Makers     Leipzig, 
has realized the first working DR-mechanism and has perfected it, 
ready for series production.  

... both passionate amateur oboists. 
You reach us, parallely, via \url{[email protected]}. 


\section{How to purchase the DR-mechanism}

You want to purchase a new instrument equipped with DR-mechanism? 
Presently, the following manufacturers offer such instruments: 
Bulgheroni, Como (\url{http://www.bulgheroni.it/}), 
Josef, Tokyo (\url{http://www.josef-oboe.com})
% Marigaux, Paris (\url{http://www.marigaux.com/})
Ask for the Doehnert-Reissner-mechanism, 
either directly in Tokyo/Como or ask your local dealer. 

we offer you to equip your present instrument with the DR-mechanism. 
% Marigaux and Bulgheroni hold up the warranty after the modification. 
% We endeavour to obtain similar commitments from other manufacturers as well. 

The modification comprises the following steps: 
consultation, to find out and meet your individual requirements 
drilling a new g-tonehole and sealing the original one 
mounting the new mechanism with premium-quality keys  
adjusting the mechanism  
testing your instrument's intonation and 
ensureing perfect even response in all register. 



Regardless of the instrument, an oboist adapts to whatever he finds. 
He acquaints himself with his instrument 
and more or less compensates any deficiency, 
adjusting the embochure, the fingering and the reed, without even     knowing.

A professional player, 
intimately familiar with his instrument can always play pleasantly. 
A new instrument, even a better one, feels strange at first; 
it takes a few minutes until playing it is more relaxed 
than with the original instrument.

This is true for any manufacturer: 
There are oboes with satisfying c'', independent of the oboist, 
and others, which do not sound as agreeable. 
For each oboe you find an oboist who can play it 
and another one who does not get along with it at all...

\section{Further Information and Contact}


\url{[email protected]}



Handwerksmeister Uwe Döhnert \\
Sebastian-Bach-Strasse 20\\
D-04109 Leipzig

Zuständige Kammer: \\
Handwerkskammer Leipzig, \\
Dresdner Straße 11/13, \\
D-04103 Leipzig

DE 213986191


好吧,我有两个 jpg 和 pdf 格式的文件。无论哪种格式,我的文件都无法正常工作。发生了什么事,有什么建议吗?
