我有第 1 节,它只有半页,第 2 节紧随其后。但是,第 2 节从新页面开始,而不是从上一页的下半部分开始。因此,第 1 节位于页面的上半部分,而下半页是空白的,从而形成了一个很大的空白区域。我需要将第 2 节移到上一页。
\section{第 1 节} ........ ....... \section{第 2 节} ......
\FloatBarrier\section{Thesis Statement}
his research is intended to explore methods for providing ....
\textbf{Thesis statement}: A framework can be leveraged to improve the channel
performance in a dynamic environment at various types of obstructing objects,
for high frequency mobile network technologies.
\FloatBarrier\section{Anticipated Research Contributions}
This dissertation is guided by the desire to perform the following:
\item ........
\FloatBarrier\section{Thesis Statement}
his research is intended to explore methods for providing ....
\textbf{Thesis statement}: A framework can be leveraged to improve the channel
performance in a dynamic environment at various types of obstructing objects,
for high frequency mobile network technologies.
\section{Anticipated Research Contributions}
This dissertation is guided by the desire to perform the following:
\item ........