LaTeX 如何确定其默认行距/为什么这个新命令的行距因我使用它的地方而异?

LaTeX 如何确定其默认行距/为什么这个新命令的行距因我使用它的地方而异?

我知道如何在 LaTeX 中增加/减少/改变行距,但\vspace{-5pt}每次我想让两行更靠近时,手动设置感觉像是一种黑客行为,如果我首先理解了 LaTeX 为什么要这样做,我想我可以想出一个更好的解决方案。


% A section:itemized is a main section with a header and some items within it

% Displays info about a job and holds list items describing what  
% projects were completed there
  \textbf{\scshape#1},  \hfill \textbf{#2} \\ % Show company and dates
  \textit{\scshape#3}\hfill #4 % Show position and location

% This is a project heading and requires list items that can be bullet
% points describing the project
  \itemprojectandtech{#1}{#2} \\

% An itembulleted is a simple list element
\item \begin{flushleft} #1 \end{flushleft}



以下是结果的截图: 在此处输入图片描述


  \begin{item:experience:itemized}{Super Company}{September 2016 - present}{Head of Stuff}{Mytown, USA}

  \begin{item:project:itemized}{Cool Project}{Technology, other technology}{Thing that's going away}
    \itembulleted{Here are a bunch of words that describe this project.}
        \itembulleted{And even more words because it was a really cool project and there are things to say.}


\begin{section:itemized}{Other Projects}

    \begin{item:project:itemized}{Cool Project}{Technology, other technology}{Thing that's going away}
    \itembulleted{Here are a bunch of words that describe this project.}
    \itembulleted{And even more words because it was a really cool project and there are things to say.}


OP 的示例展示了嵌套itemize环境,这意味着\item命令出现在不同的级别上。


  • \topsep
  • \itemsep
  • \parsep
  • \partopsep

\topsep与 一起\partopsep控制\parskip环境顶部和第一个\item内容与环境底部之间的间距,即最后一个非环境内容的最后一行和\item下一个非环境内容的开始。

\itemsep+\parsep`` 负责分隔\item内容的最后一行和下一行\item

这份小文件显示了 的标准值article


  \texttt{#1}: \the\csname #1\endcsname






   \item First level 

  \item Second level 

    \item Third level


      \item Fourth level




