在 \institute 部分中对齐文本

在 \institute 部分中对齐文本

我使用的是 Beamer 海报格式。为了对齐文本,我使用了\usepackage{ragged2e}\justifying

Beamer Poster Format在and\institute {}之后有一个部分。我使用这个特定的部分来存储摘要,现在我打算对齐相同的文本。但是命令不起作用。\title\author\justifying\institute {\justifying .... text ....}




由于您没有提供最小工作示例,我使用了 Overleaf 上的示例。如果我的答案不能解决您的问题,请提供它。

对于对齐,您可以\parbox在 内使用\institute。我使用了 的宽度,.5\linewidth但当然,您可以选择任何您喜欢的宽度。也可以只\linewidth让研究所名称覆盖所有线宽。


\title{Why don't people add a MWE?} 
\author{Paulinho van Duck} 
\institute{\parbox{.5\linewidth}{Duck fan club. Duck fan club was founded by Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda many years ago, and now it spreads all over the world. I have to add some more text to have an institute name with many lines, but I don't know what to write, so I'm writing some nonsense.}}

\justifying A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!

