\textcites 的多个作者(姓名)作为所有格

\textcites 的多个作者(姓名)作为所有格

扩展先前的答案\textcite 的作者姓名为所有格我想知道如何调整建议的代码,以便如果倒数第二个引用条目的作者字段包含多个名称,则后续的“and”(用于分隔不同的条目)将被“漂亮地”替换为,例如“as well as”。

    author  = {Donald E. Knuth and Someone Else},
    title   = {The {{\TeX}book}},
    publisher   = {Addison-Wesley},
    date    = {1984}

      author = {Foo Bar and {Yet Another} Person},
      title = {Some article},
      abstract = {Here is the abstract.},
      crossref = {acl2015},
      year = {2015}

在 tex 文件中我想使用



 Knuth and Else's (1984) as well as Bar and Person's (2015)

接下来是不太小的 MWE

\usepackage[authordate,backend=biber,bibencoding=utf8,safeinputenc,strict,pagetracker= true,loccittracker=constrict,citetracker=true,maxbibnames=99,maxcitenames=3,isbn=false,uniquelist=false]{biblatex-chicago}

\DeclareNameFormat{labelname:poss}{% Based on labelname from biblatex.def
\nameparts{#1}% Not needed if using Biblatex 3.4
\usebibmacro{name:family}{\namepartfamily}{\namepartgiven}        {\namepartprefix}{\namepartsuffix}%
{\usebibmacro{name:first-last}{\namepartfamily}{\namepartgiveni}    {\namepartprefix}{\namepartsuffixi}}
{\usebibmacro{name:first-last}{\namepartfamily}{\namepartgiveni}    {\namepartprefixi}{\namepartsuffixi}}%
\usebibmacro{name:first-last}{\namepartfamily}{\namepartgiven}    {\namepartprefix}{\namepartsuffix}%
\IfLanguageName{ngerman}{%true:German language
}{%false:nonGerman language
\IfLanguageName{ngerman}{%true:German language
}{%false:nonGerman language
\IfLanguageName{ngerman}{%true:German language
}{%false:nonGerman language

  author = {Bertram, Aaron and Wentworth, Richard},
  title = {Gromov invariants for holomorphic maps on Riemann surfaces},
  journaltitle = {J.~Amer. Math. Soc.},
  volume = {9},
  number = {2},
  date = {1996},
  pages = {529--571}}
    author = {Bertram, Aaron and Wentworth, Richard and Brianny Winner},
    title = {Gromov invariants for holomorphic maps on Riemann surfaces imagined elsewhere},
    journaltitle = {J.~Amer. Math. Soc.},
    volume = {9},
    number = {2},
    date = {2088},
    pages = {529--571},
    note= {unpublished}}



\subsection*{cases british}
1 posscite single item with several authors: \posscites[30]{aksin} \\

2 posscite multiple items: \posscites[e.g.][4]{bertram:sa}{aristotle:poetics} \\

3 posscite multiple items including final item with many authors:     \posscites[e.g.][4]{bertram:sa}{aristotle:poetics}[55]{bertram:i} \\

I would like the final case, #, to result in:
Bertram and Wentworth’s (e.g. 1996, 4), Aristotle’s (1968) \textbf{as well as} Bertram, Wentworth and Winner’s (2088, 55).  

That is, for the case of british english.

    \subsection*{cases negerman}
    1 posscite single item with several authors: this would be another question \\

    2 posscite multiple items: \posscites[z.B.][4]{bertram:sa}    {aristotle:poetics} \\

    3 posscite multiple items including final item with many authors: \posscites[z.B.][4]{bertram:sa}{aristotle:poetics}[55]{bertram:i} \\

I would like the final case, 3, to result in: Bertram und Wentworths (z.B. 1996, 4), Aristotles (1968) \textbf{sowie} Bertram, Wentworth und Winners (2088, 55)




将其添加到上面的 MWE 序言中:

  aswellas = {as well as}
  aswellas = {sowei}
