\setlist[sensitive]{resume, label=(\textsc{Sensitive}$_\arabic*$), labelindent=\parindent, leftmargin=*}
\setlist[sensitive]{resume, label=(\textsc{Sensitive}$_\arabic*$), labelindent=\parindent, leftmargin=*}
Finally, notions of sensitivity also extend to probabilistic knowledge. For instance,
Nozick 1981 states the following sensitivity condition on knowledge:
\item\label{sensitive1} $S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if $p$
weren't true and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not) $p$, then $S$ wouldn't
believe, via $M$, that $p$.
The advocate of probabilistic knowledge may endorse the following deflationist variant of \ref{sensitive1}:
\item\label{sensitive2} $S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if it were
not the case that $p$ and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not) $p$, then $S$
wouldn't believe, via $M$, that $p$.
Here again, the expressivist may capture the spirit of a statement concerning the truth
名为 new 的环境,例如,mylist
\begin{mylist}[resume, label=(\textsc{Frequentist}$_\arabic*$)]
\setlist[mylist]{labelindent=\parindent, leftmargin=*}
Finally, notions of sensitivity also extend to probabilistic knowledge. For instance,
Nozick 1981 states the following sensitivity condition on knowledge:
\item\label{sensitive1} $S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if $p$
weren't true and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not) $p$, then $S$ wouldn't
believe, via $M$, that $p$.
The advocate of probabilistic knowledge may endorse the following deflationist variant of \ref{sensitive1}:
\begin{mylist}[resume, label=(\textsc{Sensitive}$_\arabic*$)]
\item\label{sensitive2} $S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if it were
not the case that $p$ and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not) $p$, then $S$
wouldn't believe, via $M$, that $p$.
Here again, the expressivist may capture the spirit of a statement concerning the truth
\item\label{frequentist1} $S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if $p$
weren't true and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not) $p$, then $S$ wouldn't
believe, via $M$, that $p$.
The advocate of probabilistic knowledge may endorse the following deflationist variant of \ref{frequentist1}:
\begin{mylist}[resume, label=(\textsc{Frequentist}$_\arabic*$)]
\item\label{frequentist2} $S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if it were
not the case that $p$ and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not) $p$, then $S$
wouldn't believe, via $M$, that $p$.
Here again, the expressivist may capture the spirit of a statement concerning the truth
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\csname phantomsection\endcsname % if hyperref is loaded
Be careful that \lqref{murphy} holds.
Finally, notions of sensitivity also extend to probabilistic knowledge.
For instance, Nozick 1981 states the following sensitivity condition on
$S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if $p$
weren't true and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not)
$p$, then $S$ wouldn't believe, via $M$, that~$p$.
The advocate of probabilistic knowledge may endorse the following deflationist
variant of \lqref{sensitive1}:
$S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if it were
not the case that $p$ and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether
(or not) $p$, then $S$ wouldn't believe, via $M$, that~$p$.
Here again, the expressivist may capture the spirit of a statement concerning the truth
If something can go wrong, it will.
这会在 .aux 文件中记录最长标签的宽度,因此可以在下次运行 LaTeX 时设置标签宽度。我为括号添加了 2pc (24pt) 和一些其他空间,请将其更改为您喜欢的值。
\item As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
\item As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
Some text showing the need to disambiguate various senses of `concept'.
\item As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
\item As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
Further discussion getting ready to return to sensitivities.
But this turns up another sense of `concept'.
\item As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
Now we can return to the sensitivities.
\item As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
\item As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding.
\setlist{labelwidth=7em, leftmargin=!}
Finally, notions of sensitivity also extend to probabilistic knowledge. For instance, {\scshape Nozick} 1981 states the following sensitivity condition on knowledge:
\item[\scshape (Sensitive\textsubscript 1)] $S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if $p$ weren't true and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not) $p$, then $S$ wouldn't believe, via $M$, that $p$.
The advocate of probalistic knowledge may endorse the following deflationist variant of {\scshape (Sensitive\textsubscript 1)}:
\item[\scshape (Sensitive\textsubscript 2)] $S$ knows, via method (or way of believing) $M$, that $p$ only if: if it were not the case that $p$ and $S$ were to use $M$ to arrive at a belief whether (or not) $p$, then $S$ wouldn't believe, via $M$, that $p$.
\newlength\sensitive\setlength\sensitive{\widthof{\scshape (Sensitive\textsubscript 1)}}
\setlist{labelwidth={\dimexpr \sensitive +\parindent \relax}, leftmargin=!}