\caption{Robustness I \label{table6}}
\toprule \toprule
\midrule \noalign{\medskip}
$y_{i,t}$ & & -0.100\sym{***} & 0.897\sym{***}& 0.892\sym{***}& 0.903\sym{***}& 0.905\sym{***}& 0.927\sym{***}\\
&& (0.031) & (0.032) & (0.031) & (0.032) & (.030) & (0.031) \\
$PC_{i,t}$ && -0.125\sym{***} & -0.118\sym{***}& -0.138\sym{***}& -0.116\sym{***}& -0.126\sym{***}& -0.082\sym{**} \\
&& (0.041) & (0.041) & (0.042) & (0.041) & (.041) & (0.038) \\
$PC^{2}_{i,t}$ && 0.013\sym{***} & 0.012\sym{***}& 0.014\sym{***}& 0.012\sym{***}& 0.013\sym{***}& 0.009\sym{***}\\
&& (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) \\
$(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ && 0.157\sym{***}& & & & & \\
&& (0.061) & & & & & \\
$(ln)s_{i,t}$ & & & 0.149\sym{**} & & & & \\
& && (0.062) & & & & \\
$(ln)(n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & & -0.249 & & & & \\
& && (0.154) & & & & \\
$(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta+g_{T})_{i,t}$ && & & 0.175\sym{***}& & & \\
& & & & (0.065) & & & \\
$(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta_{0.03}+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & & & & 0.140\sym{**} & & \\
& & & & & (0.058) & & \\
$(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta_{0.07}+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & & & & & 0.152\sym{**} & \\
& && & & & (0.060) & \\
$(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{EF})_{i,t}$ & & & & & & & 0.083\sym{*} \\
& && & & & & (0.050) \\
Observations & &670 &670 & 681 & 670 & 670 & 668 \\[1ex]
N. of Groups & &118 &118 & 119 & 118 & 118 & 116 \\[1ex]
AR1 &&[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] \\[1ex]
AR2 &&[0.324] & [0.362] &[0.364] &[0.347] & [0.341] &[0.182] \\[1ex]
Hansen Test && [0.236] &[0.246] &[0.247] &[0.241] &[0.221] &[0.131] \\[1ex]
Hansen--in--difference Test &&[0.875] &[0.904] &[0.855] &[0.857] &[0.868] & [0.771] \\[1ex]
Extremum Point& & 4.970&4.996 &5.007 &4.955 &4.963 &4.384 \\[.5ex]
&Mimimum &-0.100&-0.094 &-0.110 &-0.092 &-0.101&-0.063\\[1ex]
& &[0.001&[0.002] &[0.001] &[0.003]&[0.001&[0.022]]\\[1ex]
&Maximum &0.127&0.118 &0.137 &0.118&0.128&0.105\\[1ex]
& &[0.001]&[0.002] &[0.000] &[0.001]&[0.001]&[0.002]\\[1ex]
$t$--test (overall)& &3.02&2.85 &3.21 &2.77&3.05&2.02\\
& &[0.001]&[0.002] &[0.001] &[0.003]&[0.001]&[0.021]\\
Fieller interval & &\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{4.152}{5.710}$}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{4.107}{5.943}$} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{4.311}{5.541}$}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{3.938}{5.715}$}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{4.152}{5.693}$}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{1.334}{5.407}$} \\[1ex]
\item[]{\textit{Notes}: The GMM--SYS has been used to obtain all the estimates reported in the Table. Refer to Notes to Tables 3 and 5 for a deeper explanation of the lags used in the analysis and of the reported tests.
***, ** and * denote significance at 1\%, 5\% and 10\% level. Geographic and period dummies included but not reported. Robust standard errors in brackets.}
我将其导入到另一个 LaTeX 文件中,并在其中包含序言:
\usepackage{caption, booktabs, makecell, siunitx}
\usepackage[scale=1,textheight=27cm, textwidth=15cm]{geometry}
\sisetup{group-separator={,}, table-format=1.3, table-space-text-post=***,
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\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\begin{sidewaystable}[p] \setlength{\tabcolsep}{9pt} \centering \normalsize \def\sym#1{\ifmmode^{#1}\else\(^{#1}\)\fi} \begin{threeparttable} \caption{Robustness I \label{table6}} \begin{tabular}{ll*{6}{c}} \toprule \toprule &&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(4)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(5)}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{(6)}\\ \midrule \noalign{\medskip} $y_{i,t}$ & & -0.100\sym{***} & 0.897\sym{***}& 0.892\sym{***}& 0.903\sym{***}& 0.905\sym{***}& 0.927\sym{***}\\ && (0.031) & (0.032) & (0.031) & (0.032) & (.030) & (0.031) \\ $PC_{i,t}$ && -0.125\sym{***} & -0.118\sym{***}& -0.138\sym{***}& -0.116\sym{***}& -0.126\sym{***}& -0.082\sym{**} \\ && (0.041) & (0.041) & (0.042) & (0.041) & (.041) & (0.038) \\ $PC^{2}_{i,t}$ && 0.013\sym{***} & 0.012\sym{***}& 0.014\sym{***}& 0.012\sym{***}& 0.013\sym{***}& 0.009\sym{***}\\ && (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) \\ $(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ && 0.157\sym{***}& & & & & \\ && (0.061) & & & & & \\ $(ln)s_{i,t}$ & & & 0.149\sym{**} & & & & \\ & && (0.062) & & & & \\ $(ln)(n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & & -0.249 & & & & \\ & && (0.154) & & & & \\ $(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta+g_{T})_{i,t}$ && & & 0.175\sym{***}& & & \\ & & & & (0.065) & & & \\ $(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta_{0.03}+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & & & & 0.140\sym{**} & & \\ & & & & & (0.058) & & \\ $(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta_{0.07}+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & & & & & 0.152\sym{**} & \\ & && & & & (0.060) & \\ $(ln)s_{i,t}-ln(n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{EF})_{i,t}$ & & & & & & & 0.083\sym{*} \\ & && & & & & (0.050) \\ \midrule Observations & &670 &670 & 681 & 670 & 670 & 668 \\[1ex] N. of Groups & &118 &118 & 119 & 118 & 118 & 116 \\[1ex] AR1 &&[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] \\[1ex] AR2 &&[0.324] & [0.362] &[0.364] &[0.347] & [0.341] &[0.182] \\[1ex] Hansen Test && [0.236] &[0.246] &[0.247] &[0.241] &[0.221] &[0.131] \\[1ex] Hansen--in--difference Test &&[0.875] &[0.904] &[0.855] &[0.857] &[0.868] & [0.771] \\[1ex] \midrule Extremum Point& & 4.970&4.996 &5.007 &4.955 &4.963 &4.384 \\[.5ex] &Mimimum &-0.100&-0.094 &-0.110 &-0.092 &-0.101&-0.063\\[1ex] & &[0.001&[0.002] &[0.001] &[0.003]&[0.001&[0.022]]\\[1ex] &Maximum &0.127&0.118 &0.137 &0.118&0.128&0.105\\[1ex] & &[0.001]&[0.002] &[0.000] &[0.001]&[0.001]&[0.002]\\[1ex] $t$--test (overall)& &3.02&2.85 &3.21 &2.77&3.05&2.02\\ & &[0.001]&[0.002] &[0.001] &[0.003]&[0.001]&[0.021]\\ Fieller interval & &\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{4.152}{5.710}$}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{4.107}{5.943}$} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{4.311}{5.541}$}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{3.938}{5.715}$}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{4.152}{5.693}$}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\interval{1.334}{5.407}$} \\[1ex] \bottomrule\bottomrule \end{tabular}} \begin{tablenotes} \footnotesize \item[]{\textit{Notes}: The GMM--SYS has been used to obtain all the estimates reported in the Table. Refer to Notes to Tables 3 and 5 for a deeper explanation of the lags used in the analysis and of the reported tests. ***, ** and * denote significance at 1\%, 5\% and 10\% level. Geographic and period dummies included but not reported. Robust standard errors in brackets.} \end{tablenotes} \end{threeparttable} \end{sidewaystable}
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
\newgeometry{a4paper,margin=1.5cm} % narrower margins
\caption{Robustness I \label{table6}}
\begin{tabular}{l *{6}{d{2.5}} }
& \mc{(1)} & \mc{(2)} & \mc{(3)} & \mc{(4)} & \mc{(5)} & \mc{(6)}\\
$y_{i,t}$ & -0.100\sym{***} & 0.897\sym{***} & 0.892\sym{***} & 0.903\sym{***}& 0.905\sym{***} & 0.927\sym{***}\\
& (0.031) & (0.032) & (0.031) & (0.032) & (.030) & (0.031) \\
$PC_{i,t}$ & -0.125\sym{***} & -0.118\sym{***}& -0.138\sym{***}& -0.116\sym{***}& -0.126\sym{***}& -0.082\sym{**} \\
& (0.041) & (0.041) & (0.042) & (0.041) & (.041) & (0.038) \\
$PC^{2}_{i,t}$ & 0.013\sym{***} & 0.012\sym{***}& 0.014\sym{***}& 0.012\sym{***}& 0.013\sym{***}& 0.009\sym{***}\\
& (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.004) \\[0.75ex]
$\ln s_{i,t}-\ln(n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & 0.157\sym{***} \\
& (0.061) \\
$\ln s_{i,t}$ & & 0.149\sym{**} \\
& & (0.062) \\
$\ln (n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & -0.249 \\
& & (0.154) \\
$\ln s_{i,t}-\ln(n+\delta+g_{T})_{i,t}$ & & & 0.175\sym{***}& & & \\
& & & (0.065) & & & \\
$\ln s_{i,t}-\ln(n+\delta_{0.03}+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & & & 0.140\sym{**} & & \\
& & & & (0.058) & & \\
$\ln s_{i,t}-\ln(n+\delta_{0.07}+g_{T}+g_{GLOB})_{i,t}$ & & & & & 0.152\sym{**} & \\
& & & & & (0.060) & \\
$\ln s_{i,t}-\ln(n+\delta+g_{T}+g_{EF})_{i,t}$ & & & & & & 0.083\sym{*} \\
& & & & & & (0.050) \\
Observations &\mc{670} &\mc{670} & \mc{681} & \mc{670} & \mc{670} & \mc{668} \\
N.\ of Groups &\mc{118} &\mc{118} & \mc{119} & \mc{118} & \mc{118} & \mc{116} \\
AR1 &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] &[0.000] \\
AR2 &[0.324] & [0.362] &[0.364] &[0.347] & [0.341] &[0.182] \\
Hansen Test & [0.236] &[0.246] &[0.247] &[0.241] &[0.221] & [0.131] \\
Hansen-in-difference Test &[0.875] &[0.904] &[0.855] &[0.857] &[0.868] & [0.771] \\
Extremum Point & 4.970&4.996 &5.007 &4.955 &4.963 &4.384 \\
\quad Minimum & -0.100&-0.094 &-0.110 &-0.092 &-0.101&-0.063\\
&[0.001&[0.002] &[0.001] &[0.003]&[0.001]&[0.022]\\
\quad Maximum &0.127&0.118 &0.137 &0.118&0.128&0.105\\
&[0.001]&[0.002] &[0.000] &[0.001]&[0.001]&[0.002]\\
$t$--test (overall) &3.02&2.85 &3.21 &2.77&3.05&2.02\\
& [0.001]&[0.002] &[0.001] &[0.003]&[0.001]&[0.021]\\
Fieller interval &\mc{$\interval{4.152}{5.710}$} &\mc{$\interval{4.107}{5.943}$}
&\mc{$\interval{4.311}{5.541}$} &\mc{$\interval{3.938}{5.715}$}
&\mc{$\interval{4.152}{5.693}$} &\mc{$\interval{1.334}{5.407}$} \\
\item[]{\textit{Notes}: GMM--SYS has been used to obtain all the
estimates reported in the Table. Refer to Notes to Tables 3 and 5
for a deeper explanation of the lags used in the analysis and of the
reported tests.
***, ** and * denote significance at the 1\%, 5\% and 10\% levels.
Geographic and period dummies included but not reported. Robust
standard errors in brackets.}