\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X | X | l | l | c | X |}
\textbf{{Strategy}} & \textbf{{Action}} & \textbf{{Owner}} & \textbf{{Due}} & \textbf{{Status}} & \textbf{{Outcome}} \\ \hline
Aim 1 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\draw[green,fill=green] (0,0) circle (1.0ex); & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 2 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\draw[orange,fill=orange] (0,0) circle (1.0ex); & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 3 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\draw[red,fill=red] (0,0) circle (1.0ex); & What is end product \\ \hline
\NewDocumentCommand{\statcirc}{ O{#2} m }{%
\fill[#2] (0,0) circle (1.0ex); % Fill circle with base colour (arg#2)
\fill[#1] (0,0) -- (180:1ex) arc (180:0:1ex) -- cycle; % Fill a half circle filled with second colour (arg#1), if specified
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X | X | l | l | c | X |}
\textbf{{Strategy}} & \textbf{{Action}} & \textbf{{Owner}} & \textbf{{Due}} & \textbf{{Status}} & \textbf{{Outcome}} \\ \hline
Aim 1 & what needs to be done & who & when & \statcirc{green} & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 2 & what needs to be done & who & when & \statcirc[orange]{green} & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 3 & what needs to be done & who & when & \statcirc[red]{orange} & What is end product \\ \hline
\statcircle[top colour]{bottom colour}
关于 TikZ 代码的一点说明:
\fill[#1] (0,0) -- (180:1ex) arc (180:0:1ex) -- cycle;
:创建具有指定颜色的填充形状(0,0) -- (180:1ex)
:从 (0,0) 到极坐标中指定的点、180 度(从正 x 轴顺时针测量)和半径 1ex“绘制”形状路径。arc (180:0:1ex)
:继续将形状路径绘制为圆弧,固定半径 1ex,起始角度 180 度,终止角度 0 度。这将创建半圆。-- cycle;
\fill[#1] (0,0) -- (90:1ex) arc (90:270:1ex) -- cycle;
\fill[#1] (0,0) -- (45:1ex) arc (45:215:1ex) -- cycle;
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes.geometric}
\tikz[node distance=3mm,baseline]
\node (s1) [semicircle, fill=#1, minimum size=3mm] {};
\node (s1) [semicircle, fill=#2, minimum size=3mm, rotate=180, below=of s1] {};
\usepackage{ragged2e} % added for better adjust of cells' content
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\RaggedRight}X} % for cells with left aligned content
\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X | X | l | l | c | X |}
\textbf{{Strategy}} & \textbf{{Action}} & \textbf{{Owner}} & \textbf{{Due}} & \textbf{{Status}} & \textbf{{Outcome}} \\ \hline
Aim 1 & what needs to be done & who & when & \semaphore{green}{green} & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 2 & what needs to be done & who & when & \semaphore{orange}{green} & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 3 & what needs to be done & who & when & \semaphore{red}{orange} & What is end product \\ \hline
附录: 对于半圆旋转任意角度:
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes.geometric}
\newcommand{\semaphore}[3]{% #1: color of circle,
% #2: color of semicircle
% #3: angle of semicircle
\tikz[node distance=0mm,baseline]
\node (s1) [circle, fill=#1, minimum size=6mm] {};
\node [semicircle, fill=#2,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, minimum size=3mm,
at={(s1.center)}, rotate=#3] {};
}% end of command
\usepackage{makecell, tabularx}
\usepackage{ragged2e} % added for better adjust of cells' content
\newcolumntype{L}{>{\RaggedRight}X} % for cells with left aligned content
\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| L | L | l | l | c | L |}
\textbf{Strategy} & \textbf{Action} & \textbf{Owner} & \textbf{Due} & \textbf{Status} & \textbf{Outcome} \\ \hline
Aim 1 & what needs to be done & who & when & \semaphore{green}{green}{0} & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 2 & what needs to be done & who & when & \semaphore{orange}{green}{90} & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 3 & what needs to be done & who & when & \semaphore{red}{orange}{45} & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 4 & what needs to be done & who & when & \semaphore{green}{red}{0} & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 5 & what needs to be done & who & when & \semaphore{green}{red}{30} & What is end product \\ \hline
窗口:背景颜色、扇区角度的等级(90/180/270),扇区必须以另一种方式着色,另一种颜色。如果角度 = 0(即只有一种颜色),则第三个参数将被忽略。
pics/sema/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{code={%
\node[circle,minimum width=2mm,draw,fill=#1] {};
\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X | X | l | l | c | X |}
\textbf{{Strategy}} & \textbf{{Action}} & \textbf{{Owner}} & \textbf{{Due}} & \textbf{{Status}} & \textbf{{Outcome}} \\ \hline
Aim 1 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\pic{sema=yellow/0/}; & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 2 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\pic{sema=yellow/90/green}; & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 3 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\pic{sema=yellow/180/green}; & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 4 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\pic{sema=yellow/270/green}; & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 5 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\pic{sema=red/0/}; & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 6 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\pic{sema=red/90/yellow}; & What is end product \\ \hline
Aim 7 & what needs to be done & who & when & \tikz\pic{sema=red/180/yellow}; & What is end product \\ \hline
PS = 如果你有3.02 之前的旧版本,请添加\usetkzobj{all}
在加载包后添加。对于最新版本,请不要使用它,请参阅:LaTeX 找不到文件“tkz-obj-angles.tex”
我擅自添加了 booktabs 包并删除了表格线(一般不建议这样做,请参阅 booktabs 包)。当然,如果您确实需要它们,您可以将它们添加回来;这最终主要取决于个人喜好。
如果您想仔细阅读 booktabs 文档,可以在这里找到:http://ctan.org/pkg/booktabs
\newcommand*\greencirc{\tikz\fill[fill=green] (0,0) circle (1.0ex);}
\newcommand*\orangecirc{\tikz\fill[fill=orange] (0,0) circle (1.0ex);}
\newcommand*\redcirc{\tikz\fill[fill=red] (0,0) circle (1.0ex);}
\fill[red] (0,0) circle (1ex);
\clip (-1ex,-1ex) rectangle (1ex,0);
\fill[orange] (0,0) circle (1ex);
\fill[orange] (0,0) circle (1ex);
\clip (-1ex,-1ex) rectangle (1ex,0);
\fill[green] (0,0) circle (1ex);
\textbf{{Strategy}} & \textbf{{Action}} & \textbf{{Owner}} & \textbf{{Due}} & \textbf{{Status}} & \textbf{{Outcome}} \\
Aim 1 & what needs to be done & who & when & \greencirc & What is end product \\
Aim 2 & what needs to be done & who & when & \orangecirc & What is end product \\
Aim 3 & what needs to be done & who & when & \redcirc & What is end product \\
Aim 4 & what needs to be done & who & when & \redorangecirc & What is end product \\
Aim 5 & what needs to be done & who & when & \orangegreencirc & What is end product \\