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我正在寻找一种方法来自动将引号与句号和逗号重叠,如下面示例图的最后两行所示。到目前为止,我发现的方法都是通过宏来实现的;我希望完全自动地完成此操作,而不在\begin和中添加任何内容\end {document},并且理想情况下还可以处理自动生成的文本,例如参考书目。

有这个软件包吗?或者有办法在普通的 LaTeX 宏中实现愚蠢的查找/替换功能吗?








pdf output

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update 4 pdf output


    title = {The Title of the Part},
    author = {Smith, John},
    year = {2017},
    booktitle = {The Containing Book},
    publisher = {Some Publisher},








here are the \verb+\textquote+'s

``Hello. A kerning test.

``Hello'' A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello}. A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello.} A kerning test.

``Hello, A kerning test.

``Hello'' A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello}, A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello,} A kerning test.

\textcite{smith:title} is saying \textquote{a thing}.



更新 3

我离目标越来越近了。到目前为止,我发现的唯一警告是,\textquote{}对于普通文本,您需要使用 而不是 `` 。感叹号等现在似乎可以正常工作。


    title = {The Title of the Part},
    author = {Smith, John},
    year = {2017},
    booktitle = {The Containing Book},
    publisher = {Some Publisher},








here are the \verb+\textquote+'s

``Hello. A kerning test.

``Hello'' A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello}. A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello.} A kerning test.

``Hello, A kerning test.

``Hello'' A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello}, A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello,} A kerning test.

\textcite{smith:title} is saying \textquote{a thing}.



更新 2

我对此取得了一些进展,尽管它与\adddot在第 153 行定义的和类似的命令有一些奇怪的错误biblatex.def


    title = {The Title of the Part},
    author = {Smith, John},
    booktitle = {The Containing Book},


% original definition of textquote from csquotes, applied to enquote as well

% from biblatex.sty but replaced enquote with textquote





here are the \verb+\textquote+'s

``Hello. A kerning test.

``Hello'' A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello}. A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello.} A kerning test.

``Hello, A kerning test.

``Hello'' A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello}, A kerning test.

\textquote{Hello,} A kerning test.

\textcite{smith2017} is saying \textquote{a thing}.


here are the \verb+\enquote+'s

``Hello. A kerning test.

``Hello'' A kerning test.

\enquote{Hello}. A kerning test.

\enquote{Hello.} A kerning test.

``Hello, A kerning test.

``Hello'' A kerning test.

\enquote{Hello}, A kerning test.

\enquote{Hello,} A kerning test.


更新 1

除了单引号上的一些令人困惑的间距错误,以及下面示例图片中的第 4 行和第 8 行不起作用之外,我越来越接近了。棘手的部分是双引号,因为它由三个字符而不是两个字符组成,因此\@ifnextchar毫无用处(?)。






\def¶#1{}% removes the character following it, useful to remove the extraneous
         % single quote after the double quote gets substituted

    } {%
    } {%
        } {%



`This is a quote.' and this is some text

`This is a quote'. and this is some text

``This is a quote.'' and this is some text

``This is a quote''. and this is some text

`This is a quote,' and this is some text

`This is a quote', and this is some text

``This is a quote,'' and this is some text

``This is a quote'', and this is some text

`This is a quote?' and this is some text

`This is a quote'? and this is some text

``This is a quote?'' and this is some text

``This is a quote''? and this is some text

``This is a quote'' and this is some text

`This is a quote' and this is some text


pdf output update


以下示例适用于 LuaLaTeX(TeXlive 2016 中的 0.95 版本):

fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature {
    name = "kern1",
        type = "pair",
        data = {
            [0x002E] = {
                [0x201D] = { false, { -45, 0, -45, 0 } },
                [0x2019] = { false, { -45, 0, -45, 0 } },
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}[Ligatures=TeX,RawFeature=+kern1]

它基于这个问题并在句号和结束引号之间添加一些负字距。我不知道是否可以使用一些相对尺寸,例如字符的宽度,因此通过反复试验选择了 -45。结果如下所示:

period-quote kerns


如果您已更新luaotfload(至 2.8 版本),这将提供所需的结果:

    name = "pkrn",
    type = "kern",
    data =
           ["comma"] = { ["quotedblright"] = -250 , ["quoteright"] = -250 },
           ["period"] = { ["quotedblright"] = -100 , ["quoteright"] = -100 },
\setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman}[
“quoted,” “quoted.” ‘quoted,’ ‘quoted.’

output of example







% {<qopen>}{<text>}{<qclose>}{<punct>}{<apunct>}{<cite>}


\textquote{quoted} normal text

\textquote{quoted}, next sentance

\textquote{quoted}. Next sentance


enter image description here


这将使用较少使用的"字符作为活动字符来触发与下一个字符的叠加。因此,它有几个限制:它必须作为".而不是进行.";并且它必须作为",而不是 进行'',



enter image description here
