使用回忆录类时,如何将目录中的第 1 章替换为第一章?我尝试了以下方法,但不起作用:
\ifendLOF\else\hbox to \linewidth%
\ifendLOT\else\hbox to \linewidth%
Title page goes here
Dedication goes here
Acknowledgment goes here
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
Abstract goes here
\pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1}
This is the first chapter.
\section{this is section 1.1}
This is a test
This is the second chapter.
\section{this is section 2.1}
This is a test
This is the third chapter.
\section{this is section 3.1}
This is a test
\renewcommand*{\cftchaptername}{Chapter\space}% p. 151, memmanual
\cftchaptername\protect\NumToName{#1}\space--\space}% p. 152, memmanual
\title{Document Title}
\author{First Name and Surname}
% Show the toc in one-column after the date.
\chapter{Capítulo primero}
xx\dotfill xx
\section{Sección 1.1}
xx\dotfill xx
\subsection{Sub--sección 1.1.1}
xx\dotfill xx
xx\dotfill xx
\chapter{Capítulo segundo}
xx\dotfill xx
\section{Sección 2.1}
xx\dotfill xx
\subsection{Sub--sección 2.1.1}
xx\dotfill xx
xx\dotfill xx