我想创建一个可能包含多个注释的表,例如: 我发现这里。
这在纯 LaTeX 环境中工作正常,但我使用 knitr 将我的 Rnw 文件(在 R 下)转换为 pdf,因为 LaTeX 中需要手动处理的表格太多了。
\usepackage[top = 0.5in, bottom = 0.5in, left = 0.5in, right = 0.5in]{geometry}
print(xtable(x, digits = c(0, 0, 0, 3,3, 0, 3,3), # first zero "represents" row numbers which we skip later
align = "llcccccc", # align and put a vertical line (first "l" again represents column of row numbers)
caption = strCaption, label = "yearlyprivatization"),
size = "normalsize", #Change size; useful for bigger tables "normalsize" "footnotesize"
include.rownames = FALSE, #Don't print rownames
include.colnames = TRUE, #We create them ourselves
caption.placement = "top", #"top", NULL
hline.after=NULL, #We don't need hline; we use booktabs
floating=TRUE, # whether \begin{Table} should be created (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
sanitize.text.function = force, # Important to treat content of first column as latex function
add.to.row = list(pos = list(-1,0,nrow(x)-1,
command = c(paste("\\hline \n", # NEW row
"\\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \\multicolumn{3}{c}{\\textbf{Consecutive Sample}} &
\\multicolumn{3}{c}{\\textbf{Entire Sample}} \\\\\n","\\cmidrule(l){2-4} \\cmidrule(l){5-7}\n"),
paste("\\hline \n"), # NEW row
paste("\\hline \n"),
paste0("\\hline \n \\multicolumn{",dim(beforeTable)[2],"}{p}",
"",paste("{\\scriptsize{", "1 PS= number of privatized frims/number of SOEs \\newline 1 PS= number of privatized frims/number of SOEs","}}",sep = " "))
# paste0("\\multicolumn{",dim(beforeTable)[2],"}{l}",
# "",paste("{\\scriptsize{", "2,Total of PS is yearly average;" ,"}}",sep = " "),"\n")
# paste is used as it is more flexible regarding adding lines