

所以我选择 Latex 来写我的论文,我对此很陌生,我花了半天时间在谷歌上搜索这个问题,但没有解决方案,所以请原谅我的问题。无论如何,我了解到,如果我想将我的一些文本加粗或斜体,我必须使用此命令 \textit{my text...etc },但当我尝试时什么也没发生,文本看起来完全一样,我只是想知道我是否应该在序言中导入一些内容。

事实上没有任何文本..在起作用,我正在使用 sharedlatex。

看起来甚至 biblatex 也坏了……参考文献并没有按应有的方式显示。



注意:我删除了共享 latex 的链接,因为它不符合规则







\usepackage[estonian, english]{babel} %the thesis is in English

  \renewcommand{\refname}{Viidatud kirjandus}%

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric]{biblatex}







% Packages for building tables and tabulars
\usepackage{tabu}   % Wide lines in tables
\usepackage{xspace} % Non-eatable spaces in macros

% Including graphical images and setting the figure directory

% Packages for getting clickable links in PDF file
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} %hide red (blue,green) boxes around links

% Packages for defining colourful text together with some colours


\usepackage[ruled, vlined, linesnumbered]{algorithm2e}


% Nice todo notes

% comments and verbatim text (code)

% add table inline 

% Proper way to create coloured code listings

\def\predicatebegin #1\predicateend{$\Gamma \vdash #1$}


% Macros that make sure that the math mode is set
\newcommand{\typeF}[1] {\ensuremath{\mathsf{type_{#1}}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\opDiv}{\ensuremath{\backslash \mathsf{div}}\xspace}

% Nice Todo box

% A way to define theorems and lemmata

%Add images side by side 

%Add other fonts I guess?








 \begin{tabular}{r l}



%=== Info in English



  \textsc{Whitespace} language.

\TODO{List of keywords}
%Layout, formatting, template



%=== Info in Estonian
\noindent\textbf{\large Tüübituletus neljandat järku loogikavalemitele}


%\noindent ...


\TODO{List of keywords}
%Layout, formatting, template


\noindent\textbf{CERCS:}\TODO{CERCS kood ja nimetus:~\url{https://www.etis.ee/Portal/Classifiers/Details/d3717f7b-bec8-4cd9-8ea4-c89cd56ca46e}}


%=== Determine the order of languages on Info page

\tableofcontents{Table of Contents}

% Remember to remove this from the final thesis version
% \listoftodos[Unsolved issues]


Bitcoin \cite{bitcoin} is probably the most well-known example of a digital technology implementing the idea of a ledger or a blockchain. Bitcoin has not only shown that the use of cryptology, replication and consensus make it possible to implement a digital ledger, but also that this technology can be a platform for performing safe exchange of cryptocurrencies. Along the same lines, in 2015 an open source project called Ethereum \cite{eth} entered the arena of blockchain technologies by providing not only a simile of Bitcoin, but a more flexible platform by the introduction of the so-called smart contracts, which have opened new opportunities for development on top of blockchain.

It is in this context that my Masters’ thesis work takes place. More specifically, my work aims at providing support to Timer Events as defined in the BPMN standard. Timer events are an interesting construct in BPMN because they provide ways to specify temporal constraints such as deadlines and/or \textbf{milestones} in the underlying business process. However, the notion of time in a technology such as Ethereum does not have a clear meaning: there is not \textit{global} clock, and the time for a transaction completion is not fixed (the same transaction can take a few seconds or several minutes). \textsc{Nevertheless}, we are aware of one existing solution that provides a sort of timer for Ethereum and, in discussion forums, it is also \texttt{claimed} that a timer service for Ethereum can implemented via an external service. However, it is unclear if such solutions can be applied into, and what would the implications of using them in a BPMN execution engine. Those are in fact the main goals of my research.

% Use Biblatex if you have problems with Estonian keywords
\printbibliography %biblatex


    author    = "OMG",
    title     = "BPMN 2.0 by Example",
    year      = {2010},
    url       = "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100601/10-06-02.pdf",
    keywords  = "bpm_by_example"

    author    = "OMG",
    title     = "Business Process Model and Notation(BPMN)",
    year      = {2011},
    url       = "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/PDF/",
    keywords  = "bpm_by_example"

    author    = "Vitalik Buterin",
    title     = "Ethereum White Paper",
    year      = {2013},
    url       = "https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/White-Paper",
    keywords  = "ethereum"



更一般地,文档设计得不好。对于一篇论文,你想要reportbook。然后你 \chapter而且您并不总是需要\newpage\maketitle甚至可以做一些明智的事情。






我在代码本身中添加了一些注释,虽然距离良好状态还很远,但也不像我开始时那么糟糕了 :(。

如果您想要的是美式英语而非英式英语,请将其替换american为。含义不明确。(但如果您的大学填写了,他们可能想要,尽管这并非 100% 确定。)britishenglishenglishamerican

    author    = "OMG",
    title     = "BPMN 2.0 by Example",
    year      = {2010},
    url       = "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100601/10-06-02.pdf",
    keywords  = "bpm by example"

    author    = "OMG",
    title     = "Business Process Model and Notation(BPMN)",
    year      = {2011},
    url       = "http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/PDF/",
    keywords  = "bpm by example"

    author    = "Vitalik Buterin",
    title     = "Ethereum White Paper",
    year      = {2013},
    url       = "https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/White-Paper",
    keywords  = "ethereum"

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,estonian,british]{report}% or american, if you want US English
% default encoding *last*
\usepackage{babel} %the thesis is in English



% times is deprecated - pick a modern times clone instead
% are you sure about this?
%Add other fonts I guess?
% if you don't know what it is for, don't load it!
% this will change the fonts used for maths, which may or may not overwrite the effects of loading eucal

% do you need this?
%Add images side by side - do you need this?
% consider using booktabs
% Packages for building tables and tabulars
% avoid tabu !!
% \usepackage{tabu}   % Wide lines in tables
% add table inline
% are you using wrapfig?

% be wary of using this, especially of overusing it - you need to ensure you don't get spaces where you don't want them and don't get the *wrong* spaces where you want the *right* ones.
\usepackage{xspace} % Non-eatable spaces in macros

% Including graphical images and setting the figure directory

% Packages for defining colourful text together with some colours
% color is pointless if loading xcolor

% % Nice todo notes
% loading algorithm2e causes things to go wrong, even if you don't use it, due to a bug in the Packages
% so think carefully about how much you need this!
% here's a fix from David Carlisle: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/37476446#37476446
\def\setboolean{\ifnum\currentgrouplevel=1 \egroup\let\setboolean\zz\fi\zz}
% % comments and verbatim text (code)
% % % Proper way to create coloured code listings

% Packages for getting clickable links in PDF file
% hyperref must be loaded LATE - last with certain exceptions e.g. hypcap
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} %hide red (blue,green) boxes around links

% note the -ing if this is for the whole document
  \renewcommand{\refname}{Viidatud kirjandus}%
% % are you sure about this? maybe you should be using book or report rather than article?
% % \let\chapter\section
% % sizing and spacing are going to get screwed up unless you are very careful with this
% % don't use \def unless you know why you need it and are prepared to accept the consequences
% % this does not look at all right ...
\def\predicatebegin #1\predicateend{$\Gamma \vdash #1$}
% % Macros that make sure that the math mode is set
% % shouldn't these be defined as maths elements with maths spacing?
% % I don't know what these are for, but this looks wrong ....
\newcommand{\typeF}[1] {\ensuremath{\mathsf{type_{#1}}}\xspace}
\newcommand{\opDiv}{\ensuremath{\backslash \mathsf{div}}\xspace}
% % Nice Todo box
% % A way to define theorems and lemmata

% you're using \selectlanguage, so use this patch
% fix for bug in babel o ateb joseph wright: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/361849/
  \def\bbl@tempb##1{% elt for \bbl@ensured list
           {\the\toks@}}% The unprotected line end was here!
  \def\bbl@tempa##1{% elt for include list







    \begin{tabular}{r l}


%=== Info in English
%     \noindent\textbf{\large}% what is this meant to do?


    \noindent\textbf{Abstract:}% why not use the abstract environment?

    \textsc{Whitespace} language.

    \noindent\textbf{Keywords:}\par\noindent%\\ don't use \\ to end paragraphs or enter line breaks outside special contexts (e.g. tabular, array, center)
    \TODO{List of keywords}
    %Layout, formatting, template



%=== Info in Estonian
    \noindent\textbf{\large Tüübituletus neljandat järku loogikavalemitele}% the line spacing is going to be wrong here


    %\noindent ...


    \TODO{List of keywords}
    %Layout, formatting, template


    \noindent\textbf{CERCS:}\TODO{CERCS kood ja nimetus:~\url{https://www.etis.ee/Portal/Classifiers/Details/d3717f7b-bec8-4cd9-8ea4-c89cd56ca46e}}


%=== Determine the order of languages on Info page


Remember to remove this from the final thesis version
\listoftodos[Unsolved issues]


Bitcoin \cite{bitcoin} is probably the most well-known example of a digital technology implementing the idea of a ledger or a blockchain. Bitcoin has not only shown that the use of cryptology, replication and consensus make it possible to implement a digital ledger, but also that this technology can be a platform for performing safe exchange of cryptocurrencies. Along the same lines, in 2015 an open source project called Ethereum \cite{eth} entered the arena of blockchain technologies by providing not only a simile of Bitcoin, but a more flexible platform by the introduction of the so-called smart contracts, which have opened new opportunities for development on top of blockchain.

It is in this context that my Masters’ thesis work takes place. More specifically, my work aims at providing support to Timer Events as defined in the BPMN standard. Timer events are an interesting construct in BPMN because they provide ways to specify temporal constraints such as deadlines and/or \textbf{milestones} in the underlying business process. However, the notion of time in a technology such as Ethereum does not have a clear meaning: there is not \textit{global} clock, and the time for a transaction completion is not fixed (the same transaction can take a few seconds or several minutes). \textsc{Nevertheless}, we are aware of one existing solution that provides a sort of timer for Ethereum and, in discussion forums, it is also \texttt{claimed} that a timer service for Ethereum can implemented via an external service. However, it is unclear if such solutions can be applied into, and what would the implications of using them in a BPMN execution engine. Those are in fact the main goals of my research.

% Use Biblatex if you have problems with Estonian keywords
\printbibliography %biblatex


