% Define block styles
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=4.5em, text badly centered, node distance=3cm, inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=2cm, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=10mm]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse,fill=red!20, node distance=3cm,
minimum height=2em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3.4cm, auto]
\node [block,yshift=30mm] (1) {1};
\node [block, xshift=-30mm] (2) {2};
\node[block, xshift=-60mm] (3) {3};
\node [block, xshift=-90mm] (4) {4};
\node [block, xshift=-120mm] (5) {5};
\node [block,yshift=30mm, xshift=-45mm] (6) {6};
\node [block,yshift=-40mm, xshift=-105mm] (7) {7};
\node [block,yshift=-60mm, xshift=-105mm] (8) {8};
\node [block,yshift=-25mm, xshift=-75mm] (9) {9};
\node[block, xshift=-60mm,yshift=-60mm] (10) {10};
\node [block, xshift=-30mm,yshift=-60mm] (11) {11};
\node[block, xshift=0mm,yshift=-60mm] (12) {12};
\draw[->,>=latex'] (4) -- (3);
\draw[->,>=latex'] (3) -- (2);
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta,shadows.blur}% arrows is deprecated ; shapes would be better loaded with the required suffixes
\tikzset{% \tikzstyle is deprecated
block/.style={draw, top color=white!90!#1, bottom color=#1, shading angle=45, text width=2cm, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=10mm},
\begin{tikzpicture} [node distance = 3.4cm, >=Latex, thick, draw=darkgray, every node/.append style={blur shadow}]
\node [block=Crimson, text=white, yshift=30mm] (1) {1};
\node [block=gray!40, xshift=-30mm] (2) {2};
\node [block=green!25, xshift=-60mm] (3) {3};
\node [block=magenta!25, xshift=-90mm] (4) {4};
\node [block=yellow!30, xshift=-120mm] (5) {5};
\node [block=DodgerBlue3, text=white, yshift=30mm, xshift=-45mm] (6) {6};
\node [block=yellow!30, yshift=-40mm, xshift=-105mm] (7) {7};
\node [block=magenta!25, yshift=-60mm, xshift=-105mm] (8) {8};
\node [block=DodgerBlue3, text=white, yshift=-25mm, xshift=-75mm] (9) {9};
\node [block=green!25, xshift=-60mm,yshift=-60mm] (10) {10};
\node [block=Purple3!75!Periwinkle, text=white, xshift=-30mm,yshift=-60mm] (11) {11};
\node [block=green!25, xshift=0mm,yshift=-60mm] (12) {12};
\begin{scope}[every node/.append style={circle, draw=darkgray, anchor=center, fill=white, inner sep=1pt}, draw=darkgray, every edge/.append style={->, draw}]
(5) edge coordinate [pos=.4] (a) (4)
(4) edge coordinate [pos=.4] (b) (3)
(3) edge coordinate [pos=.4] (c) (2)
(a) edge (7)
(12) edge (11)
(11) edge (10)
(10) edge coordinate [pos=.2] (d) (8)
(8) edge (7)
(d) edge (9.south -| d)
(b) edge (9.north -| b)
(c) edge (6.south -| c)
(2) -- (2 -| 1) coordinate [pos=.2] (e) node [pos=1, anchor=center] (f) {+}
\path [every edge/.append style={<-}]
(f) edge (1) edge (2);
\path (12) edge (f);
\draw [->] (e) |- (6);
\draw [->] (e) |- (9);
\foreach \i in {a,...,e} \node at (\i) {};