

我正在回忆录课上使用词汇表包撰写生物学论文。长基因名称的首字母缩写有两种形式:当提到 DNA 上的基因时,符号为斜体形式,当提到蛋白质形式时,符号为普通文本。如下所示:

\newcommand{\glsgene} etc
if \glsgene{
    print(full name (italic `short'))
    add label to the acronym list
} else{
    \gls as usual

我已经在以下 MWE 中解释了这一点。如何在 latex 中对此进行编码?非常感谢!

\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 12 pt]{memoir}
\glsdisablehyper %disables links 
\newacronym{RING}{RING}{really interesting new gene}

Current acronym style: \gls{RING}

To refer to RING gene on DNA, it should be printed as `really interesting new gene (\textit{RING})'. Please note that the full name is in normal text whereas the symbol/short name is in italics.

When I mean RING in the protein form, it should be printed as `really interesting new gene (RING)' --- everything in normal text.

Of course, I have to specify what form I am referring to when using it for the first time. But the entry should be automatically included in the acronym list regardless of DNA or protein versions, so I don't miss any acronyms. Maybe some sort of 'if'

The full name in the list of acronyms will be printed in normal text regardless of DNA or protein form. 



下面的 MWE 定义在使用 之前\glsgene临时更改\acronymfont为。更改用括号括起来。这需要设置样式以确保用于格式化短格式。(默认情况下这只是执行其参数。)\textit\glslong-short\acronymfont

\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 12 pt]{memoir}
\glsdisablehyper %disables links 

\newacronym{RING}{RING}{really interesting new gene}



First use: \gls{RING}.

Next use: \gls{RING}, \glsgene{RING}.


First use: \glsgene{RING}.

Next use: \glsgene{RING}, \gls{RING}.



