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L[eslie]~A. Aamport.
\newblock The gnats and gnus document preparation system.
\newblock {\em \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}, 1986.

L[eslie]~A. Aamport.
\newblock The gnats and gnus document preparation system.
\newblock {\em \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}, 41(7):73+, July 1986.
\newblock This is a full ARTICLE entry.

L[eslie]~A. Aamport.
\newblock The gnats and gnus document preparation system.
\newblock In {\em \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal\/} \cite{whole-journal}, pages 73+.
\newblock This is a cross-referencing ARTICLE entry.

{\em \mbox{G-Animal's} Journal}, 41(7), July 1986.
\newblock The entire issue is devoted to gnats and gnus (this entry is a
  cross-referenced ARTICLE (journal)).

Donald~E. Knuth.
\newblock {\em The Art of Computer Programming}.
\newblock Four volumes. Addison-Wesley,
\newblock Seven volumes planned (this is a cross-referenced set of BOOKs).

Donald~E. Knuth.
\newblock {\em Fundamental Algorithms}, chapter 1.2.
\newblock Addison-Wesley, {\noopsort{1973b}}1973.

Donald~E. Knuth.
\newblock {\em Fundamental Algorithms}, volume~1 of {\em The Art of Computer
  Programming}, section 1.2, pages 10--119.
\newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, second edition, 10~January
\newblock This is a full INBOOK entry.

Donald~E. Knuth.
\newblock {\em Fundamental Algorithms}, section 1.2.
\newblock Volume~1 of {\em The Art of Computer Programming\/} \cite{whole-set},
  second edition, {\noopsort{1973b}}1973.
\newblock This is a cross-referencing INBOOK entry.

Donald~E. Knuth.
\newblock {\em Seminumerical Algorithms}.
\newblock Addison-Wesley, {\noopsort{1973c}}1981.

Donald~E. Knuth.
\newblock {\em Seminumerical Algorithms}, volume~2 of {\em The Art of Computer
\newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, second edition, 10~January
\newblock This is a full BOOK entry.

Donald~E. Knuth.
\newblock {\em Seminumerical Algorithms}.
\newblock Volume~2 of {\em The Art of Computer Programming\/} \cite{whole-set},
  second edition, {\noopsort{1973c}}1981.
\newblock This is a cross-referencing BOOK entry.

The programming of computer art.

Jill~C. Knvth.
\newblock The programming of computer art.
\newblock Vernier Art Center, Stanford, California, February 1988.
\newblock This is a full BOOKLET entry.

Daniel~D. Lincoll.
\newblock Semigroups of recurrences.
\newblock In {\em High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization}. Academic
  Press, 1977.

Daniel~D. Lincoll.
\newblock Semigroups of recurrences.
\newblock In David~J. Lipcoll, D.~H. Lawrie, and A.~H. Sameh, editors, {\em
  High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization}, number~23 in Fast Computers,
  part~3, pages 179--183. Academic Press, New York, third edition, September
\newblock This is a full INCOLLECTION entry.

Daniel~D. Lincoll.
\newblock Semigroups of recurrences.
\newblock In Lipcoll et~al. \cite{whole-collection}, pages 179--183.
\newblock This is a cross-referencing INCOLLECTION entry.

David~J. Lipcoll, D.~H. Lawrie, and A.~H. Sameh, editors.
\newblock {\em High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization}.
\newblock Number~23 in Fast Computers. Academic Press, New York, third edition,
  September 1977.
\newblock This is a cross-referenced BOOK (collection) entry.

{\em The Definitive Computer Manual}.

Larry Manmaker.
\newblock {\em The Definitive Computer Manual}.
\newblock Chips-R-Us, Silicon Valley, silver edition, April-May 1986.
\newblock This is a full MANUAL entry.

{\'{E}}douard Masterly.
\newblock Mastering thesis writing.
\newblock Master's thesis, Stanford University, 1988.

{\'{E}}douard Masterly.
\newblock Mastering thesis writing.
\newblock Master's project, Stanford University, English Department,
  June-August 1988.
\newblock This is a full MASTERSTHESIS entry.

This is a minimal MISC entry.

Joe-Bob Missilany.
\newblock Handing out random pamphlets in airports.
\newblock Handed out at O'Hare, October 1984.
\newblock This is a full MISC entry.

Alfred~V. Oaho, Jeffrey~D. Ullman, and Mihalis Yannakakis.
\newblock On notions of information transfer in {VLSI} circuits.
\newblock In {\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of
  Computing}, 1983.

Alfred~V. Oaho, Jeffrey~D. Ullman, and Mihalis Yannakakis.
\newblock On notions of information transfer in {VLSI} circuits.
\newblock In Wizard~V. Oz and Mihalis Yannakakis, editors, {\em Proc. Fifteenth
  Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing}, number~17 in All ACM
  Conferences, pages 133--139, Boston, March 1983. The OX Association for
  Computing Machinery, Academic Press.
\newblock This is a full INPROCEDINGS entry.

Alfred~V. Oaho, Jeffrey~D. Ullman, and Mihalis Yannakakis.
\newblock On notions of information transfer in {VLSI} circuits.
\newblock In OX{\singleletter{stoc}} \cite{whole-proceedings}, pages 133--139.
\newblock This is a cross-referencing INPROCEEDINGS entry.

The OX Association for Computing Machinery.
\newblock {\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing},
  Boston, 1983.
\newblock This is a cross-referenced PROCEEDINGS.

{\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing}, 1983.

Wizard~V. Oz and Mihalis Yannakakis, editors.
\newblock {\em Proc. Fifteenth Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing},
  number~17 in All ACM Conferences, Boston, March 1983. The OX Association for
  Computing Machinery, Academic Press.
\newblock This is a full PROCEEDINGS entry.

F.~Phidias Phony-Baloney.
\newblock {\em Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases}.
\newblock PhD thesis, Fanstord University, 1988.

F.~Phidias Phony-Baloney.
\newblock {\em Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases}.
\newblock {PhD} dissertation, Fanstord University, Department of French,
  June-August 1988.
\newblock This is a full PHDTHESIS entry.

Tom Terrific.
\newblock An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} sorting algorithm.
\newblock Technical report, Fanstord University, 1988.

Tom T{\'{e}}rrific.
\newblock An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} sorting algorithm.
\newblock Wishful Research Result~7, Fanstord University, Computer Science
  Department, Fanstord, California, October 1988.
\newblock This is a full TECHREPORT entry.

Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood, Ned {\~N}et, and Paul {\={P}}ot.
\newblock Lower bounds for wishful research results.
\newblock Talk at Fanstord University (this is a minimal UNPUBLISHED entry).

Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood, Ned {\~N}et, and Paul {\={P}}ot.
\newblock Lower bounds for wishful research results.
\newblock Talk at Fanstord University (this is a full UNPUBLISHED entry),
  November, December 1988.

Volume~2 is listed under Knuth \cite{book-full}.




