

所以我一直在为这个表格而苦恼,首先,标题对于 toprule 来说太长了,我无法让它在第一行显示“表格 x”,然后在第二行显示标题文本。其次,我想缩小它,因为它有点太大了。第三,我想要一种方法来在下方添加信息\bottomrule。这是我的包和表格-



        \caption{Unextrapolated prices of American put options $(K = \$ 100, T = 3.0{\kern 1pt} \ \text{years}, \sigma  = 0.2, r = 0.08)$}
        $(S_0, \delta)$ & True & H2 & H4 & H6 & EP1 & EP2 & EP3\\
        (80, 0.12)& 25.6577& 25.3230& 25.5499& 25.6087& 25.6404& 25.6543 & 25.6564\\
        (90, 0.12)& 20.0832& 19.8723& 20.0010& 20.0429& 20.0679& 20.0805 & 20.0821\\
        (100, 0.12)& 15.4981& 15.3623& 15.4412& 15.4688& 15.4867& 15.4964& 15.4976\\
        (110, 0.12)& 11.8032& 11.7170& 11.7655& 11.7827& 11.7949& 11.8017& 11.8026\\
        (120, 0.12)& 8.8856& 8.8324& 8.8612& 8.8718& 8.8799& 8.8844& 8.8850\\
        (80, 0.08)& 22.2050& 21.5703& 22.2163& 22.2967& 22.1650& 22.1916& 22.1983\\
        (90, 0.08)& 16.2071& 15.9365& 16.2288& 16.2538& 16.1473& 16.1882& 16.1977\\
        (100, 0.08)& 11.7037& 11.5394& 11.6880& 11.7147& 11.6417& 11.6840& 11.6938\\
        (110, 0.08)& 8.3671& 8.2370& 8.3353& 8.3623& 8.3122& 8.3488& 8.3574\\
        (120, 0.08)& 5.9299& 5.8224& 5.8971& 5.9192& 5.8857& 5.9142& 5.9214\\
        (80, 0.04)& 20.3500& 18.8206& 20.1777& 20.4122& 20.3379& 20.3447& 20.3469\\
        (90, 0.04)& 13.4968& 13.1947& 13.7667& 13.7612& 13.4459& 13.4781& 13.4866\\
        (100, 0.04)& 8.9438& 8.9527& 9.1426& 9.1053& 8.8747& 8.9197& 8.9308\\
        (110, 0.04)& 5.9119& 5.9368& 6.0075& 5.9956& 5.8435& 5.8876& 5.8985\\
        (120, 0.04)& 3.8975& 3.8829& 3.9342& 3.9389& 3.8394& 3.8761& 3.8854\\
        (80, 0.00)& 20.0000& 16.6525& 18.7463& 19.2411& 20.0000& 20.0000& 20.0000\\
        (90, 0.00)& 11.6974& 11.1602& 12.0365& 12.0819& 11.6729& 11.6878& 11.6919\\
        (100, 0.00)& 6.9320& 7.1356& 7.3556& 7.2640& 6.8832& 6.9145& 6.9225\\
        (110, 0.00)& 4.1550& 4.4050& 4.4077& 4.3392& 4.1020& 4.1362& 4.1447\\
        (120, 0.00)& 2.5102& 2.6586& 2.6376& 2.6079& 2.4646& 2.4938& 2.5010\\
        RMSE &  & 0.8593& 0.3260& 0.2239& 0.0437& 0.0151& 0.0081\\
        CPU time &  & - & - & - & - & -  & - \\





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\sisetup{table-format=2.4, table-number-alignment=center}
\captionsetup{format=hang, justification=centering}
    \caption{Unextrapolated prices of American put options \\$(K = \$ 100, T = 3.0{\kern 1pt} \ \text{years}, \sigma = 0.2, r = 0.08)$}
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{$(S_0, \delta)$} & {True} & {H2} & {H4} & {H6} & {EP1} & {EP2} & {EP3}\\
    (80, 0.12)& 25.6577& 25.3230& 25.5499& 25.6087& 25.6404& 25.6543 & 25.6564\\
    (90, 0.12)& 20.0832& 19.8723& 20.0010& 20.0429& 20.0679& 20.0805 & 20.0821\\
    (100, 0.12)& 15.4981& 15.3623& 15.4412& 15.4688& 15.4867& 15.4964& 15.4976\\
    (110, 0.12)& 11.8032& 11.7170& 11.7655& 11.7827& 11.7949& 11.8017& 11.8026\\
    (120, 0.12)& 8.8856& 8.8324& 8.8612& 8.8718& 8.8799& 8.8844& 8.8850\\
    (80, 0.08)& 22.2050& 21.5703& 22.2163& 22.2967& 22.1650& 22.1916& 22.1983\\
    (90, 0.08)& 16.2071& 15.9365& 16.2288& 16.2538& 16.1473& 16.1882& 16.1977\\
    (100, 0.08)& 11.7037& 11.5394& 11.6880& 11.7147& 11.6417& 11.6840& 11.6938\\
    (110, 0.08)& 8.3671& 8.2370& 8.3353& 8.3623& 8.3122& 8.3488& 8.3574\\
    (120, 0.08)& 5.9299& 5.8224& 5.8971& 5.9192& 5.8857& 5.9142& 5.9214\\
    (80, 0.04)& 20.3500& 18.8206& 20.1777& 20.4122& 20.3379& 20.3447& 20.3469\\
    (90, 0.04)& 13.4968& 13.1947& 13.7667& 13.7612& 13.4459& 13.4781& 13.4866\\
    (100, 0.04)& 8.9438& 8.9527& 9.1426& 9.1053& 8.8747& 8.9197& 8.9308\\
    (110, 0.04)& 5.9119& 5.9368& 6.0075& 5.9956& 5.8435& 5.8876& 5.8985\\
    (120, 0.04)& 3.8975& 3.8829& 3.9342& 3.9389& 3.8394& 3.8761& 3.8854\\
    (80, 0.00)& 20.0000& 16.6525& 18.7463& 19.2411& 20.0000& 20.0000& 20.0000\\
    (90, 0.00)& 11.6974& 11.1602& 12.0365& 12.0819& 11.6729& 11.6878& 11.6919\\
    (100, 0.00)& 6.9320& 7.1356& 7.3556& 7.2640& 6.8832& 6.9145& 6.9225\\
    (110, 0.00)& 4.1550& 4.4050& 4.4077& 4.3392& 4.1020& 4.1362& 4.1447\\
    (120, 0.00)& 2.5102& 2.6586& 2.6376& 2.6079& 2.4646& 2.4938& 2.5010\\
    RMSE & & 0.8593& 0.3260& 0.2239& 0.0437& 0.0151& 0.0081\\
    CPU time & & {--- } &{---} & {---} & {---} & {---} & {---} \\
     \item[] Some information


