在这个 MWE 中,我希望能够换行列标题,同时利用 siunitx 的 S 列右对齐列中间的数字。我尝试过 tabu、warpcol 和 dcolumn。它们都不允许右对齐中间的数字列,并且可能换行列标题。
{This is label of the first column} &
{This is a long label} &
{This column has a very very long long label} &
{This is also not a short label} \\
Item 1 & 10 & 12 & 15 \\
Item 2 & 20 & 22 & 25 \\
Item 3 & 30 & 32 & 35 \\
\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}
\mcx{This is label of the first column} &
\mcx{This is a long label} &
\mcx{This column has a very very long long label} &
\mcx{This is also not a short label} \\
Item 1 & 10 & 12 & 15 \\
Item 2 & 20 & 22 & 25 \\
Item 3 & 30 & 32 & 35 \\
单元格的垂直和水平对齐方式可以单独设置。还可以使用 设置单元格宽度\thead[{{p{1in}}}]{Cell text}
{\thead[t]{This is label of\\the first column}} &
{\thead[t]{This is a\\long label}} &
{\thead[t]{This column has\\a very very long\\long label}} &
{\thead[t]{This is also not\\a short label}} \\
Item 1 & 10 & 12 & 15 \\
Item 2 & 20 & 22 & 25 \\
Item 3 & 30 & 32 & 35 \\