

我正在尝试制作一个结图,并可视化结的变形,我想从某个点分割路径并使其沿两个方向延伸。我尝试通过在某个位置用另一个 Hobby 路径装饰结路径来获得我想要的结果,如下所示:


        \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,use Hobby shortcut]
        \draw[line width=3,white,double=black,double distance=1,postaction={decorate,decoration={markings,mark=at position 0.8 with {
        \draw[use Hobby shortcut,dashed,line width=1,black] (0,0) .. (0.5,-0.5) .. (0,-1) .. (-3.3,0.3);
(180:1) .. (240:0.9)
        .. ([blank=soft]300:0.3) .. (120:0.3)
        .. ([blank=soft]60:0.9) .. (0:1) .. (300:0.9)   .. (240:0.3)
        .. ([blank=soft,]60:0.3) .. (120:0.9) [save Hobby path={trefoil}];
        \draw[line width=3,white,double=black,double distance=1,restore and use Hobby path={trefoil}{invert soft blanks,disjoint}];


很漂亮,但不是我想要的 :(



  • 我是否可以从其他选择的位置将路径一分为二?
  • 是否可以使分割平滑(即虚线的切线与结的切线相匹配)?
  • 是否有可能以某种方式检索某个点处的结点路径的角度?然后,也许可以绘制一条从结点开始以某个角度开始的 Hobby 路径。
  • 如果其他方法都失败了,我决定只画一条路径作为装饰(就像我现在所做的那样),是否可以使用“全局”坐标来绘制装饰?现在,装饰的坐标 (0,0) 表示结上的当前位置。有没有办法改变它,使它表示原点?


PS 在寻找答案时,我突然意识到这可能不是一个爱好问题,因此标题中带有括号......


几乎所有的碎片都在 TikZ 和业余爱好代码的某个地方,只需要稍微组装一下拼图碎片并修复业余爱好代码中的两个错误。错误修复将(最终)进入业余爱好代码。其余的也可能在某些地方非常有用(我对结库有一些想法)。



业余爱好错误与将节点放置在业余爱好生成的曲线的部分有关。这些问题现在已在业余爱好版本中得到修复github(运行tex hobby.dtx以生成文件)所以我从下面的代码中删除了它们。


  place at intersection with code/.code={%
    % Test to see if the named path exists, if not display a message
    \pgfutil@ifundefined{tikz@intersect@path@name@#1}{\message{Path `#1' not found.}}{\find@intersection@point{#1}}
  place at intersection with/.style={
    % This option defines the intersection point
    place at intersection with code=#1,
    node contents={},
    % The next two mean that the placed node will align itself with the curve
    allow upside down=true

  % Do everything inside a group so as not to upset things
  % First step is to reconstruct the last path segment, using the \tikz@timer stuff
  % Save the current path
  % And initialise with an empty path
  % Move to the starting point
  % The rest depends on the type of segment we just had
  % Bezier curve
  % Straight line
  % Horizontal-Vertical line
  % Vertical-horizontal line
  % Need to find out how to reconstruct an arc ...
  % Get the newly created path segment
  % Restore the original path
  % Sorting the intersections is the trigger for remembering the intersection point as a parameter along the path
  % Call the intersection algorithm
  \pgfintersectionofpaths{\pgfsetpath\intersection@pathsegment}{\expandafter\pgfsetpath\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname}%
  % If we got an intersection, store the parameter corresponding to the first one
  \xdef\intersection@time{\csname pgf@g@intersect@solution@1@time@a\endcsname}%
  % If not, say so and default to the start of the segment
  \message{No intersection found}%
  % Set the position of the current node to the found parameter


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,use Hobby shortcut]
% This is the path we'll use to define our cutting points.  The 'overlay' option means that it doesn't affect the bounding box
\path[name path=c,overlay] (-.3,0) -- +(0,1) -- +(0,-1);
% Define our hobby curve
\draw[line width=3,white,double=black,double distance=1,closed]
(180:1) .. (240:0.9)
% The 'place at intersection with=c' key puts this node at the intersection of this segment with path 'c'
% Even though we've specified `node contents={}` in the style, we still need the trailing {} due to how nodes are collected on paths
.. node[place at intersection with=c,name=dpt] {}  ([blank=soft]300:0.3) .. (120:0.3) 
.. ([blank=soft]60:0.9) .. (0:1) .. (300:0.9)   .. (240:0.3)
.. ([blank=soft,]60:0.3) .. node[place at intersection with=c,name=upt] {}  (120:0.9) [save Hobby path={trefoil}];
\draw[line width=3,white,double=black,double distance=1,restore and use Hobby path={trefoil}{invert soft blanks,disjoint}];
% Once we have our nodes placed, we can use the anchors to define the 'exit' paths.  The centre node is at the intersection point and the east-west line goes along the tangent line.
\draw[dashed] (upt.center) .. controls ($(upt.center)!2cm!(upt.east)$) and +(0,2) .. (1.5,0) .. controls +(0,-2) and  ($(dpt.center)!2cm!(dpt.west)$) .. (dpt.center);


Reidemeister 的举动
