

我想知道为什么从 10 开始的那些部分的编号和标题之间的空间小于 1 到 9 之间的那些部分的编号和标题之间的空间。我希望它增加,因为编号似乎太靠近标题了。我该如何实现它?我搜索并多次询问这个问题,但我没有得到有用的解决方案。我只是\tableofcontents在我的 documentclass 中使用命令article。这是我的意思的屏幕截图。










 % \numberline evaluates \nl@current@levelname to find
 % the horizontal alignment
       \errmessage{Unknown alignment '\nl@align' for \noexpand\numberline}%
       \csname nl@numberline@\nl@align\endcsname{#1}%

 % Implementations of `\numberline` for the different horizontal alignments
 \newcommand*{\nl@numberline@l}[1]{% left-aligned
   \hb@xt@\@tempdima{#1 \hfil}%
 \newcommand*{\nl@numberline@c}[1]{% centered
   \hb@xt@\@tempdima{\hfil#1 \hfil}%
 \newcommand*{\nl@numberline@r}[1]{% right-aligned
   \hb@xt@\@tempdima{\hfil#1 }%

 % Configuration
 % -------------
 % Horizonal alignment in \numberline:
 %   l: left-aligned
 %   c: centered
 %   r: right-aligned
 % \nl@align@: Default setting
 % \nl@align@<levelname>: Setting for specific level

 \def\nl@align@{r}% default


 \section{The First Section}
 \section{The Exterior Algebra of Multiconvectors}
 \subsection{Dual Space}
 \subsection{Multilinear Functions}
 \subsection{The Symmetrizing and Alternating  Operations}
 \subsection{The Tensor Product}
 \subsection{The Wedge Product}
 \subsection{Associativity of The Wedge Product}
 \subsection{A Basics for \textit{k}-Convector}
 \section{Tangent Vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$}
 \subsection{Germs of Functions}
 \subsection{The Tangent Space}
 \subsection{Vector Fields}
 \section{Differential Forms on $\mathbb{R}^{n}$}
 \subsection{Differential 1-Forms and the Differential of a function}
 \subsection{Differential \textit{k}-Forms}
 \subsection{The Exterior Derivative}
 \subsection{Differentiability of Mapping and Jacobians}
 \subsection{Topological Manifolds, Compatible charts and Smooth Manifolds}
 \subsection{Smooth Functions on a Manifold}
 \subsection{Smooth Maps Between Manifolds}
 \subsection{Partial Derivatives}
 \section{Tangent Vectors and the Tangent Space}
 \subsection{Bases For the Tangents Space at a Point}
 \subsection{The Differential of a Map}
 \section{The Tangent Bundle}
 \subsection{The Topology of The Tangent Bundle}
 \subsection{The Manifold Structure on The Tangent Bundle}
 \section{Smooth Bump Functions}
 \section{Vector Fields}
 \subsection{Smoothness of a Vector Field}
 \section{Differential 1-Forms}
 \subsection{The Differential of a Function and Local Expression for a Diffecrential 1-Form}
 \subsection{The Cotangent Bundle}





章节编号和标题之间的间距可以通过在 \subsection{~~标题名称} 中使用 ~~ 来设置,这里是在章节编号右侧对齐后的新间距



 % \numberline evaluates \nl@current@levelname to find
 % the horizontal alignment
       \errmessage{Unknown alignment '\nl@align' for \noexpand\numberline}%
       \csname nl@numberline@\nl@align\endcsname{#1}%

 % Implementations of `\numberline` for the different horizontal alignments
 \newcommand*{\nl@numberline@l}[1]{% left-aligned
   \hb@xt@\@tempdima{#1 \hfil}% Distance between titles and page number
 \newcommand*{\nl@numberline@c}[1]{% centered
   \hb@xt@\@tempdima{\hfil#1 \hfil}%
 \newcommand*{\nl@numberline@r}[1]{% right-aligned
   \hb@xt@\@tempdima{\hfil#1 }%

 % Configuration
 % -------------
 % Horizonal alignment in \numberline:
 %   l: left-aligned
 %   c: centered
 %   r: right-aligned
 % \nl@align@: Default setting
 % \nl@align@<levelname>: Setting for specific level

 \def\nl@align@{r}% default


     \section{The First Section}
 \section{The Exterior Algebra of Multiconvectors}
 \subsection{~~Dual Space}
 \subsection{~~Multilinear Functions}
 \subsection{~~The Symmetrizing and Alternating  Operations}
 \subsection{~~The Tensor Product}
 \subsection{~~The Wedge Product}
 \subsection{~~Associativity of The Wedge Product}
 \subsection{~~A Basics for \textit{k}-Convector}
 \section{Tangent Vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$}
 \subsection{~~Germs of Functions}
 \subsection{~~The Tangent Space}
 \subsection{~~Vector Fields}
 \section{Differential Forms on $\mathbb{R}^{n}$}
 \subsection{~~Differential 1-Forms and the Differential of a function}
 \subsection{~~Differential \textit{k}-Forms}
 \subsection{~~The Exterior Derivative}
 \subsection{~~Differentiability of Mapping and Jacobians}
 \subsection{~~Topological Manifolds, Compatible charts and Smooth Manifolds}
 \subsection{~~Smooth Functions on a Manifold}
 \subsection{~~Smooth Maps Between Manifolds}
 \subsection{~~Partial Derivatives}
 \section{Tangent Vectors and the Tangent Space}
 \subsection{~~Bases For the Tangents Space at a Point}
 \subsection{~~The Differential of a Map}
 \section{The Tangent Bundle}
 \subsection{~~The Topology of The Tangent Bundle}
 \subsection{~~The Manifold Structure on The Tangent Bundle}
 \section{Smooth Bump Functions}
 \section{Vector Fields}
 \subsection{~~Smoothness of a Vector Field}
 \section{Differential 1-Forms}
 \subsection{~~The Differential of a Function and Local Expression for a Diffecrential 1-Form}
 \subsection{~~The Cotangent Bundle}


