与以下答案相反斯蒂芬这里我提出了一个真正使用 PGFPlots 的解决方案。此外,我还提供了除使用该intersections
% used PGFPlots v1.14
% load some libraries
% needed to calculate the "in-between" ticklabels
% needed for "method 3" (which will be explained later)
% use this `compat' level or higher so TikZ coordinates don't need to
% be prefixed by `axis cs:'
% declare the function that you want to plot
% (this is useful for "method 2" which will be explained later)
/pgf/declare function={
f(\x) = \x^2;
% make the font (everywhere) a bit smaller
% don't use the standard "boxed" axis environment
axis lines=middle,
% we don't need normal ticks
% state the axis labels ...
% ... and change a bit the positions of them
xlabel style={
anchor=north east,
ylabel style={
anchor=north east,
% we want a bit enlarged x limit so the last xticklabel and xlabel
% don't overlap as well as the last point label isn't clipped
enlarge x limits={rel=0.3,upper},
% we don't need markers on the plot
no markers,
% set the domain in which the function is evaluated
% create a dummy coordinate at the origin which is used to later
% draw the axis tick labels
\coordinate (x0) at (0,0);
% plot the function that we have created earlier
\addplot+ [
% give a name to later use it with the `intersections' library
name path=function,
] {f(x)}
% % alternatively you can write your formula directly here
% ] {x^2}
% method 1:
% directly give coordinates at certain positions of the plot
% but first list the options that are in common for the coordinates
every label/.append style={
label position=right,
coordinate [
% at which position of the plot shall the coordinate be created
% give a label to the coordinate
label=key point 1,
] (kp1)
% now you could state the next coordinate(s) ...
% coordinate [
% pos=0.5,
% label=key point 2,
% ] (kp2)
% % ...
% method 2:
% create coordinates at given x values also using the above created function
% (this is quite similar to method 1 but here you can state exact x values
% if needed)
% so there is only one place to state the x value, we create a
% variable to store this value
\coordinate [
label=right:key point 2,
] (kp2) at (\kpTwo,{f(\kpTwo)});
% method 3:
% create an invisible path that intersects the plot ...
\path [name path=vertical line]
% to not need to adapt the values manually by changing the
% axis y limits we just "call" the values
(\kpThree,\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) --
% ... and "find" the intersection to create the coordinate
\path [
name intersections={%
of=function and vertical line,
] (intersection-1)
coordinate [label=right:key point 3] (kp3)
% draw the horizontal and vertical lines
% in addition place some dummy labels at the intersecting y and y
% axis to later draw the corresponding tick labels
\pgfplotsforeachungrouped \point in {1,2,3} {
\draw [help lines]
(0,0 |- kp\point)
coordinate (y\point)
-- (kp\point)
-- (0,0 -| kp\point)
coordinate (x\point)
% we need one more dummy coordinate at `xmax` for the axis tick labels
% instead of using the `\pgfkeysvalueof` feature again now I use
% another coordinate system
\coordinate (xn) at (xticklabel* cs:1);
% now we create the ticklabels using some loops
% (this has to be done outside the `axis' environment when the `\foreach'
% command is used. Otherwise you will get an error message)
% we start with the xticklabels
\foreach \i [
remember=\i as \lasti (initially 0),
count=\x from 0,
] in {1,...,3,n} {
\node [below] at ($ (x\lasti)!0.5!(x\i) $) {$t_{\x}$};
% for the yticklabels we need another dummy coordinate "y0" to have a
% simple loop again
\coordinate (y0) at (x0);
\foreach \i/\Text [
remember=\i as \lasti (initially 0),
] in {
1/{merger \\ reorganization},
2/{integrate \\ resources},
3/{integrate \\ service}%
} {
\node [left,align=right] at ($ (y\lasti)!0.5!(y\i) $) {\Text};
这是基于纯 Tikz 的解决方案。我使用抛物线作为函数,因为代码中给出了它。坐标pos1
是虚线在 x 轴上的位置。在循环中,y 轴上的相应位置被创建为ypos1
和 ,以及ypos3
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=triangle 90,x=3cm,y=1.5cm]
\draw[->](0,0)--(0,4.5)node[anchor=north east]{Path};
\draw[->](0,0)--(3,0)node[anchor=north west]{Time};
\draw[->,thick,name path=para](0,0) parabola bend (0,0) (2.5,4);
\coordinate(pos1) at (1.2,0);
\coordinate(pos2) at (1.85,0);
\coordinate(pos3) at (2.35,0);
\foreach \num in {1,2,3}{
\path[name path=line\num](pos\num)--+(0,5);
\path[name intersections={of=para and line\num}](intersection-1) coordinate(inter\num);
\coordinate (ypos\num) at (inter\num -| {(0,0)});
\draw[dashed] (pos\num) |- (ypos\num);
\node[anchor=west] at (inter\num){key point \num};
\node[below] at ($(0,0)!0.5!(pos1)$){T0};
\node[below] at ($(pos1)!0.5!(pos2)$){T1};
\node[below] at ($(pos2)!0.5!(pos3)$){T2};
\node[below] at ($(pos3)!0.4!(3,0)$){T3};
\node at ($(0,0)!0.5!(ypos1)$){Merger reorganization};
\node at ($(ypos1)!0.5!(ypos2)$){Integrate resources};
\node at ($(ypos2)!0.5!(ypos3)$){Integrate service};