向 TikZ 图添加一些细节

向 TikZ 图添加一些细节

我有一张 TikZ 生成的图片,但无法添加一些细节。




\newcommand\wireheight{2} % height of one segment
\newcommand\wirewidth{1}  % width of a segment
\newcommand\wiredist{0.5} % distance between wires
\pgfmathsetmacro\pairdist{2*(\wirewidth+\wiredist)} % distance between pairs of wires

% \wire[options]{name}{start}{height}{width}
    (#3)            coordinate (#2-0)
    -- ++(0,#4)     coordinate (#2-1)
    -- ++(#5,0)     coordinate (#2-2)
    -- ++(0,#4)     coordinate (#2-3)
    -- ++(-#5,0)    coordinate (#2-4)
    -- ++(0,#4)     coordinate (#2-5)
    -- ++(#5,0)     coordinate (#2-6)
    -- ++(0,0.5*#4) coordinate (#2-7);

\begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners,>=stealth, shorten >=1pt, shorten <=1pt]
  \foreach \i in {0,...,2}
  \draw[<->] ($(G-0-3)!-0.5!(G-0-3)$) -- +(-0.5,0) node[above]{$\kappa_{1}$};
  \draw[<->] ($(B-1-4)!0.25!(B-1-5)$) -- +(-0.5,0) node[above]{$\kappa_{2}$};


我无法在开头添加蓝色线并在结尾添加红色线。另外,我希望在上方两根线的中间添加 $\kappa_{1}$ 和 $\kappa_{2}$ <-->。该怎么做?


左边一条蓝线,右边一条红线很容易,只需交换\foreach draw命令里的颜色即可。

第二个问题关于 kappa 标签对我来说不清楚,所以这只是一个猜测。



\newcommand\wireheight{2} % height of one segment
\newcommand\wirewidth{1}  % width of a segment
\newcommand\wiredist{0.5} % distance between wires
\pgfmathsetmacro\pairdist{2*(\wirewidth+\wiredist)} % distance between pairs of wires

% \wire[options]{name}{start}{height}{width}
    (#3)            coordinate (#2-0)
    -- ++(0,#4)     coordinate (#2-1)
    -- ++(#5,0)     coordinate (#2-2)
    -- ++(0,#4)     coordinate (#2-3)
    -- ++(-#5,0)    coordinate (#2-4)
    -- ++(0,#4)     coordinate (#2-5)
    -- ++(#5,0)     coordinate (#2-6)
    -- ++(0,0.5*#4) coordinate (#2-7);

    \begin{tikzpicture}[rounded corners,>=stealth, shorten >=1pt, shorten <=1pt]
    \foreach \i in {0,...,2}
    \draw[<->] ($(G-1-2)!-0.5!(G-2-3)$) -- +(-0.5,0) node[midway,above]{$\kappa_{1}$};
    \draw[<->] ($(B-0-3)!-0.5!(B-0-4)$) -- +(-0.5,0) node[midway, above]{$\kappa_{2}$};

