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{ \begin{itemize}
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\item Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451
\item He was the first European since the Vikings to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to America
\item Columbus was sure that he could sail west to find a new route
\item In 1492, Columbus set sail with three sailing ships. After 36 days the crew sighted land, in the Bahamas. The local people were amazed to see the strangers. Columbus called the local people Indians, for he believed he had reached the Indies. In fact, he had discovered a new world – America.
\item Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451
\item He was the first European since the Vikings to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to America
\item Columbus was sure that he could sail west to find a new route
\item In 1492, Columbus set sail with three sailing ships. After 36 days the crew sighted land, in the Bahamas. The local people were amazed to see the strangers. Columbus called the local people Indians, for he believed he had reached the Indies. In fact, he had discovered a new world – America.
或者,如果您愿意使用 的定义itemize
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{ \end{itemize} }
\item Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451
\item He was the first European since the Vikings to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to America
\item Columbus was sure that he could sail west to find a new route
\item In 1492, Columbus set sail with three sailing ships. After 36 days the crew sighted land, in the Bahamas. The local people were amazed to see the strangers. Columbus called the local people Indians, for he believed he had reached the Indies. In fact, he had discovered a new world – America.
如果你真的想减少不仅在项目之前和之间的跳过为负值,而且正常的行跳过,你可以减少行跳过并将所有其他跳过设置为 0pt
\paragraph{Normal list without sep:}
\item Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451
\item He was the first European since the Vikings to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to America
\item Columbus was sure that he could sail west to find a new route
\item In 1492, Columbus set sail with three sailing ships. After 36 days the crew sighted land, in the Bahamas. The local people were amazed to see the strangers. Columbus called the local people Indians, for he believed he had reached the Indies. In fact, he had discovered a new world – America.
\paragraph{List without sep and reduced line skip:}
\item Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451
\item He was the first European since the Vikings to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to America
\item Columbus was sure that he could sail west to find a new route
\item In 1492, Columbus set sail with three sailing ships. After 36 days the crew sighted land, in the Bahamas. The local people were amazed to see the strangers. Columbus called the local people Indians, for he believed he had reached the Indies. In fact, he had discovered a new world – America.
您可以使用 键进行操作enumitem
\usepackage{enumitem, setspace, lipsum}
\item Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451
\item He was the first European since the Vikings to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to America
\item Columbus was sure that he could sail west to find a new route
\item In 1492, Columbus set sail with three sailing ships. After 36 days the crew sighted land, in the Bahamas. The local people were amazed to see the strangers. Columbus called the local people Indians, for he believed he had reached the Indies. In fact, he had discovered a new world – America.
\begin{itemize}[nosep, topsep=1.4pt, before=\setstretch{0.9}]
\item Christopher Columbus was born in Italy in 1451
\item He was the first European since the Vikings to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to America
\item Columbus was sure that he could sail west to find a new route
\item In 1492, Columbus set sail with three sailing ships. After 36 days the crew sighted land, in the Bahamas. The local people were amazed to see the strangers. Columbus called the local people Indians, for he believed he had reached the Indies. In fact, he had discovered a new world – America.