使用 biblatex-chicago 控制脚注和尾注编号的排版

使用 biblatex-chicago 控制脚注和尾注编号的排版

我正在尝试删除正文中脚注/尾注数字周围的方括号,并使其字体与正文一致(在本例中为 Minion Pro 旧式数字)——现在,它们似乎是其他字体中的内衬数字。

这是 MWE。



\usepackage[width=5.6in, height=8.2in, letterpaper]{geometry}




% specify typography and pagenumbering 
    \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Numbers=OldStyle]{Minion Pro}

    % uses biblatex-chicago, declares bibliographic resource
    % formats endnotes
        \rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=1.8em




Where Michelin might have a ten or so reviewers per country (Michelin does not disclose exact numbers, though a former employee has written about the structure of the reviewer teams\autocite{remy.2004}), the 50 Best jury is unpaid and consists of about a thousand people around the world, each of whom nominates and votes on the composition of the list.\footnote{This information about the jury, known as the World's 50 Best Restaurants Academy, was provided by the World's 50 Best Restaurants and is accurate as of June 2017.} 


产生的结果如下:( 请注意内文编号中的内衬数字和不同字体)




