

我有一张 22 列 5 行的表格,我尝试过\small 垂直更改它,但没有成功,只能看到一部分,如何修复它,可能是让文本更小或者其他什么,这样它就可以工作了,我也尝试过更改单元格大小,但没有成功,这是我的代码

\newcolumntype{C}[1]{> {\centering\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} \begin{table} [!htbp] \small \centering \begin{sideways} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline Summghtyary & Bh &C &Dyh &Ei &F &G &H &I& J& K&f L& Mk &N& O &P
& Q &Rr &S &Ty &Uh& V& Wj \\ \hline cc.CR (\%) & 52.75 &52.75 &21.25 &21.25 &55.02& 55.05& 63.85&
67.58& 85.45& 85.85& 62.50& 62.50& 76.54& 60.08& 55.05 & 65.04&
60.00& 57.50& 56.25 &60.00& 63.75& 65.00\\ \hline fgrt CR (\%) & 57.94 &35.25& 48.66 &47.43& 49.73& 55.29& 37.53&
52.94& 39.04& 47.59& 33.16 &38.50& 61.50& 38.50 &28.88& 53.36& 24.06& 23.43& 33.76& 43.32& 45.66& 55.87 \\
\hline Avtgrayhe CR (\%) & 55.85 &47.02& 54.96& 59.34& 55.37 &55.15& 50.59& 60.22& 45.90& 55.17& 47.83& 55.50& 65.05& 49.55& 41.94
&53.36& 48.03& 25.57& 44.78& 51.65& 56.51& 58.84 \\ \hline Rbhk & 5 & 7 & 6& 13& 9 &18& 11& 2 &19 &8& 16& 18 &1& 17& 21 & 7 &20& 29& 19& 17& 4& 3\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{sideways} \caption{blah balabalalalalalzl} \label{table:10} \end{table}

 By the way just a part of my table is displayed and the title does not even appear :(

编辑 1:这是我在评论中谈论的表格,我希望在这个表格中点赞,这样我的值就可以适合这个表格,它太长了,我无法完全捕捉到,但没关系如何使我的单元格如表格所示 感谢您的时间和考虑..




      \hline Summghtyary         & Bh    & C     & Dyh   & Ei    & F     & G     & H     & I     & J     & K     & f L   & Mk    & N     & O     & P     & Q     & Rr    & S     & Ty    & Uh    & V     & Wj    \\
      \hline cc.CR (\%)          & 52.75 & 52.75 & 21.25 & 21.25 & 55.02 & 55.05 & 63.85 & 67.58 & 85.45 & 85.85 & 62.50 & 62.50 & 76.54 & 60.08 & 55.05 & 65.04 & 60.00 & 57.50 & 56.25 & 60.00 & 63.75 & 65.00 \\
      \hline fgrt CR (\%)        & 57.94 & 35.25 & 48.66 & 47.43 & 49.73 & 55.29 & 37.53 & 52.94 & 39.04 & 47.59 & 33.16 & 38.50 & 61.50 & 38.50 & 28.88 & 53.36 & 24.06 & 23.43 & 33.76 & 43.32 & 45.66 & 55.87 \\
      \hline Avtgrayhe CR   (\%) & 55.85 & 47.02 & 54.96 & 59.34 & 55.37 & 55.15 & 50.59 & 60.22 & 45.90 & 55.17 & 47.83 & 55.50 & 65.05 & 49.55 & 41.94 & 53.36 & 48.03 & 25.57 & 44.78 & 51.65 & 56.51 & 58.84 \\
      \hline Rbhk                & 5     & 7     & 6     & 13    & 9     & 18    & 11    & 2     & 19    & 8     & 16    & 18    & 1     & 17    & 21    & 7     & 20    & 29    & 19    & 17    & 4     & 3     \\
  \caption{blah balabalalalalalzl}






\begin{table} [!htbp]
\begin{tabular}{ |*6{c|} }\hline
Summghtyary &   cc.CR (\%)  &   fgrt CR (\%)    &   Avtgrayhe CR (\%)   &   Rbhk    \\ \hline
Bh  &   52.75   &   57.94   &   55.85   &   5   \\ \hline
C   &   52.75   &   35.25   &   47.02   &   7   \\ \hline
Dyh &   21.25   &   48.66   &   54.96   &   6   \\ \hline
Ei  &   21.25   &   47.43   &   59.34   &   13  \\ \hline
F   &   55.02   &   49.73   &   55.37   &   9   \\ \hline
G   &   55.05   &   55.29   &   55.15   &   18  \\ \hline
H   &   63.85   &   37.53   &   50.59   &   11  \\ \hline
I   &   67.58   &   52.94   &   60.22   &   2   \\ \hline
J   &   85.45   &   39.04   &   45.9    &   19  \\ \hline
K   &   85.85   &   47.59   &   55.17   &   8   \\ \hline
fL  &   62.5    &   33.16   &   47.83   &   16  \\ \hline
Mk  &   62.5    &   38.5    &   55.5    &   18  \\ \hline
N   &   76.54   &   61.5    &   65.05   &   1   \\ \hline
O   &   60.08   &   38.5    &   49.55   &   17  \\ \hline
P   &   55.05   &   28.88   &   41.94   &   21  \\ \hline
Q   &   65.04   &   53.36   &   53.36   &   7   \\ \hline
Rr  &   60      &   24.06   &   48.03   &   20  \\ \hline
S   &   57.5    &   23.43   &   25.57   &   29  \\ \hline
Ty  &   56.25   &   33.76   &   44.78   &   19  \\ \hline
Uh  &   60      &   43.32   &   51.65   &   17  \\ \hline
V   &   63.75   &   45.66   &   56.51   &   4   \\ \hline
Wj  &   65      &   55.87   &   58.84   &   3   \\ \hline
\caption{blah balabalalalalalzl}





\begin{table} [!htbp]
\textbf{Summghtyary}    &   \textbf{cc.CR}  &   \textbf{fgrt CR}    &   \textbf{Avtgrayhe}  &   \textbf{Rbhk}   \\
 & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{(\%)}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{(\%)}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{CR (\%)}}   \\ \midrule
Bh& 52.75   &   57.94   &   55.85   &   5   \\ 
C   &   52.75   &   35.25   &   47.02   &   7   \\ 
Dyh&    21.25   &   48.66   &   54.96   &   6   \\ 
Ei& 21.25   &   47.43   &   59.34   &   13  \\ 
F   &   55.02   &   49.73   &   55.37   &   9   \\ 
G   &   55.05   &   55.29   &   55.15   &   18  \\ 
H   &   63.85   &   37.53   &   50.59   &   11  \\ 
I   &   67.58   &   52.94   &   60.22   &   2   \\ 
J   &   85.45   &   39.04   &   45.9    &   19  \\ 
K   &   85.85   &   47.59   &   55.17   &   8   \\ 
fL& 62.5    &   33.16   &   47.83   &   16  \\ 
Mk& 62.5    &   38.5    &   55.5    &   18  \\ 
N   &   76.54   &   61.5    &   65.05   &   1   \\ 
O   &   60.08   &   38.5    &   49.55   &   17  \\ 
P   &   55.05   &   28.88   &   41.94   &   21  \\ 
Q   &   65.04   &   53.36   &   53.36   &   7   \\ 
Rr& 60    & 24.06   &   48.03   &   20  \\ 
S   &   57.5    &   23.43   &   25.57   &   29  \\ 
Ty& 56.25   &   33.76   &   44.78   &   19  \\ 
Uh& 60  &   43.32   &   51.65   &   17  \\ 
V   &   63.75   &   45.66   &   56.51   &   4   \\ 
Wj& 65  &   55.87   &   58.84   &   3   \\ \bottomrule
\caption{blah balabalalalalalzl}






\begin{table} [!htbp]
\begin{tabular}{@{}l *8{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}} 
  \ML{Summghtyary}  &\MC{Bh}&\MC{C} &\MC{Dyh}&\MC{Ei} &\MC{F} &\MC{G} & \MC{H}&\MC{I} \\ \midrule
  cc.CR (\%)        & 52.75 & 52.75 & 21.25 & 21.25   & 55.02 & 55.05 & 63.85 & 67.58 \\
  fgrt CR (\%)      & 57.94 & 35.25 & 48.66 & 47.43   & 49.73 & 55.29 & 37.53 & 52.94 \\
  Avtgrayhe CR (\%) & 55.85 & 47.02 & 54.96 &   59.34 & 55.37 & 55.15 & 50.59 & 60.22 \\
  Rbhk              &     5 &    7  & 6     &   13    &  9    & 18    & 11    & 2     \\ \addlinespace
%\begin{tabular}{@{}l *8{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}} 
  \ML{Summghtyary}  &\MC{J} & \MC{K}&\MC{f L}&\MC{Mk}&\MC{N}&\MC{O} &\MC{P} &\MC{Q} \\ \midrule
  cc.CR (\%)        & 85.45 & 85.85 & 62.50 & 62.50 & 76.54 & 60.08 & 55.05 & 65.04 \\
  fgrt CR (\%)      & 39.04 & 47.59 & 33.16 & 38.50 & 61.50 & 38.50 & 28.88 & 53.36 \\
  Avtgrayhe CR (\%) & 45.90 & 55.17 & 47.83 & 55.50 & 65.05 & 49.55 & 41.94 & 53.36 \\
  Rbhk              & 19    & 8     & 16    & 18    & 1     & 17    & 21    &   7   \\ \addlinespace
%\begin{tabular}{@{}l *8{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}} 
  \ML{Summghtyary}  &\MC{Rr}&\MC{S} &\MC{Ty}&\MC{Uh}&\MC{V} &\MC{Wj}& & \\ \midrule
  cc.CR (\%)        & 60.00 & 57.50 & 56.25 & 60.00 & 63.75 & 65.00 & & \\  
  fgrt CR (\%)      & 24.06 & 23.43 & 33.76 & 43.32 & 45.66 & 55.87 & & \\ 
  Avtgrayhe CR (\%) & 48.03 & 25.57 & 44.78 & 51.65 & 56.51 & 58.84 & & \\  
  Rbhk              & 20    & 29    & 19    & 17    & 4     & 3     & & \\ \bottomrule
\caption{blah balabalalalalalzl}


