消除 \renewcommand\item 中的缩进

消除 \renewcommand\item 中的缩进

我正在使用一个包含带有\newenvironment和 的宏的类\renewcommand\item。我一直在努力解决缩进问题,在正常情况下\begin{itemize},我找到了消除缩进的简单解决方案,但它们似乎对我的情况不起作用。



              [2012/11/09 v1.0
 Two Column Curriculum Vitae]



% Capitalize words of at least a minimum length (default to 3 chars).
% The text is capitalized before being expanded.
% This macro uses Lua to do the job but fails gracefully (that is,
% return the text as is) if \directlua is not available.
% |[
% \ucwords[optional: miminum length]{text}
% ]|
    % Fails gracefully if not in LuaLaTeX
    local minlen=tonumber("#1")
    local src="\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"
    local dst={}
    for w in src:gmatch('[^\string\%s]+') do
        if w:len() >= minlen then w = w:sub(1,1):upper()..w:sub(2) end
        table.insert(dst, w)

\color[HTML]{303030} % Default foreground color
\definecolor{link}{HTML}{506060} % Hyperlinks

% Overrides the \section command to capitalize every
% word for cosmetic purposes and draws a rule under it.
    \vskip\raising\hrule height 0.4pt\vskip-\raising}

% Allow conditionals based on the job name. This can usually be set
% from a command-line argument: check fausto.en.tex for an example.
% |[
% \ifjob{jobname}{content if matches}{content if does not match}
% ]|

% Use only \item inside this environment: no other macros
% are allowed:
% |[
% \item[optional: what has been achieved]{years}{subject}{notes}
% ]|
    {\bfseries ##3} & {\raggedleft\scshape ##2} \\
    \ifstrempty{##1}{}{\multicolumn{2}{l}{\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}\scshape ##1\end{minipage}} \smallskip\\}
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}\itshape ##4\end{minipage}}\medskip\\}
    \tabularx{\linewidth}{X r}}

% Use only \item inside this environment: no other macros
% are allowed:
% |[
% \item{fact}{description}
% ]|
    \textsc{##1} & {\raggedright ##2\medskip\\}\\[\unbaseline]}

Latex 文档:





\item[High school diploma]{1988 -- 1992}
     {Informatic engineer}
     {ITIS Castelli, Brescia}

\item{1987 -- 1988}
     {Classical gymnasium}
     {Seminario vescovile, Cremona}



\item{Spanish}{Native speaker}
\item{English}{Level C2}
\item{French}{Level C1}






              [2012/11/09 v1.0
 Two Column Curriculum Vitae]



% Capitalize words of at least a minimum length (default to 3 chars).
% The text is capitalized before being expanded.
% This macro uses Lua to do the job but fails gracefully (that is,
% return the text as is) if \directlua is not available.
% |[
% \ucwords[optional: miminum length]{text}
% ]|
    % Fails gracefully if not in LuaLaTeX
    local minlen=tonumber("#1")
    local src="\luaescapestring{\unexpanded{#2}}"
    local dst={}
    for w in src:gmatch('[^\string\%s]+') do
        if w:len() >= minlen then w = w:sub(1,1):upper()..w:sub(2) end
        table.insert(dst, w)

\color[HTML]{303030} % Default foreground color
\definecolor{link}{HTML}{506060} % Hyperlinks

% Overrides the \section command to capitalize every
% word for cosmetic purposes and draws a rule under it.
    \vskip\raising{\color[HTML]{0058B6} \hrule height 0.4pt}\vskip-\raising}

% Allow conditionals based on the job name. This can usually be set
% from a command-line argument: check fausto.en.tex for an example.
% |[
% \ifjob{jobname}{content if matches}{content if does not match}
% ]|

% Use only \item inside this environment: no other macros
% are allowed:
% |[
% \item[optional: what has been achieved]{years}{subject}{notes}
% ]|
    {\bfseries ##3} & {\raggedleft\scshape ##2} \\
    \ifstrempty{##1}{}{\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}\scshape ##1\end{minipage}} \smallskip\\}
    \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}\itshape ##4\end{minipage}}\medskip\\}
    \tabularx{\linewidth}{@{}X r}}

% Use only \item inside this environment: no other macros
% are allowed:
% |[
% \item{fact}{description}
% ]|
    \textsc{##1} & {\raggedright ##2\medskip\\}\\[\unbaseline]}

以及 LaTeX 代码:





\item[High school diploma]{1988 -- 1992}
     {Informatic engineer}
     {ITIS Castelli, Brescia}

\item{1987 -- 1988}
     {Classical gymnasium}
     {Seminario vescovile, Cremona}



\item{Spanish}{Native speaker}
\item{English}{Level C2}
\item{French}{Level C1}





    {\bfseries ##3} & {\raggedleft\scshape ##2} \\
    \ifstrempty{##1}{}{\multicolumn{2}{l}{\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}\scshape ##1\end{minipage}} \smallskip\\}
    \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}\itshape ##4\end{minipage}}\medskip\\}
    \tabularx{\linewidth}{@{}X r@{}}}



% Overrides the \section command to capitalize every
% word for cosmetic purposes and draws a rule under it.
    \vskip\raising\hrule height 0.4pt\vskip-\raising}


% Overrides the \section command to capitalize every
% word for cosmetic purposes and draws a rule under it.
    \vskip-\ht\strutbox\hrule height 0.4pt}
