简化 tikz 示例

简化 tikz 示例

我重新绘制了一张用 tikz 在网上找到的图形样本,作为测试。现在它变得有点复杂,我对不同的可能解决方案感兴趣。也许文字少一些,也许有其他特色。

这是 MWE:

%Font settings

%Support for German


  \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.8, yscale=0.8,]
  %( left lower edge ) rectangle (right top edge) node[anchor=center] at (x,y in rectangle)  
    \filldraw[ fill=green!20, align=center, thick, rounded corners=2pt,]
      (-1.8,2.9) rectangle (5.1,1.7) node[anchor=center] at (1.7,2.25)  
      { <header> \\ \footnotesize contains the brandings like logo };
    \filldraw[fill=green!20, align=center, thick, rounded corners=2pt,]
      (-1.8,0.3) rectangle (5.1,1.55) node[anchor=center] at (1.7,0.9)
      { <nav> \\ \footnotesize contains navigational section of the site };
    \filldraw[fill=green!20, align=center, thick, rounded corners=2pt,]
      (-1.8,-3.1) rectangle (2.2,0.2) node[anchor=center] at (0.2,-0.5)
      {\footnotesize <article> \\ \tiny web page main content };
    \filldraw[fill=green!10, align=center, thin, rounded corners=2pt,]
      (-1.7,-2) rectangle (2.1,-1) node[anchor=center] at (0.2,-1.48)
      {\footnotesize <section> \\ \tiny divided section of main content }; 
    \filldraw[fill=green!10, align=center, thin, rounded corners=2pt,]
      (-1.7,-3) rectangle (2.1,-2.1) node[anchor=center] at (0.2,-2.55)
      {\footnotesize <section> \\ \tiny divided section of main content };
    \filldraw[fill=green!20, align=center, thick, rounded corners=2pt,]
      (2.3,-3.1) rectangle (5.1,0.2) node[anchor=center] at (3.7,-0.8)
      { <aside> \\ \tiny contains extra information \\ \tiny and related content or links };
    \filldraw[ fill=green!20, align=center, thick, rounded corners=2pt,]
      (-1.8,-4.3) rectangle (5.1,-3.2) node[anchor=center] at (1.7,-3.8)  
      { <footer> \\ \tiny infomation about copyright, privacy policy, terms of use, etc... };  




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%Support for German


\newcommand{\dosmth}[7]{\filldraw[style=mystyle] (#1,#2) rectangle (#3,#4) node[anchor=center] at (#5,#6) {#7};}
\tikzstyle{mystyle} = [ fill=green!20, align=center, thick, rounded corners=2pt,]
  \begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.8, yscale=0.8,]
  %( left lower edge ) rectangle (right top edge) node[anchor=center] at (x,y in rectangle)  
  \dosmth{-1.8}{2.9}{5.1}{1.7}{1.7}{2.25}{ <header> \\ \footnotesize contains the brandings like logo };
      (-1.8,0.3) rectangle (5.1,1.55) node[anchor=center] at (1.7,0.9)
      { <nav> \\ \footnotesize contains navigational section of the site };
      (-1.8,-3.1) rectangle (2.2,0.2) node[anchor=center] at (0.2,-0.5)
      {\footnotesize <article> \\ \tiny web page main content };
      (-1.7,-2) rectangle (2.1,-1) node[anchor=center] at (0.2,-1.48)
      {\footnotesize <section> \\ \tiny divided section of main content }; 
      (-1.7,-3) rectangle (2.1,-2.1) node[anchor=center] at (0.2,-2.55)
      {\footnotesize <section> \\ \tiny divided section of main content };
      (2.3,-3.1) rectangle (5.1,0.2) node[anchor=center] at (3.7,-0.8)
      { <aside> \\ \tiny contains extra information \\ \tiny and related content or links };
      (-1.8,-4.3) rectangle (5.1,-3.2) node[anchor=center] at (1.7,-3.8)  
      { <footer> \\ \tiny infomation about copyright, privacy policy, terms of use, etc... };  
