如何使用 ieeeconf 将图像浮动在文本后的两列中

如何使用 ieeeconf 将图像浮动在文本后的两列中

我已经进行过研究,并且尝试了一些方法,以便使用 \documentclass[letterpaper, 10 pt, conference]{ieeeconf} 实现与附图所示的相同的效果,但仍然无法完成。

我尝试了 [h]、[!]、[H] 的组合,但都不起作用


\caption{ Experimental Setup }






\usepackage{graphicx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/graphicx
\section{First section}
Single column

Like TeX, LaTeX started as a writing tool for mathematicians and computer scientists, but from early in its development it has 

\section{Second section}

Twocolums section

LaTeX can be arbitrarily extended by using the underlying macro language to develop custom formats. Such macros are often 
collected into packages, which are available to address special formatting issues such as complicated mathematical content or graphics.
Indeed, in the example below, the align environment is provided by the amsmath package.

Breaking Twocolums in this place



  \caption{This is a figure caption}



Going back to Twocolums

\LaTeX{} is a document preparation system for
  the \TeX{} typesetting program. It offers
  programmable desktop publishing features and
  extensive facilities for automating most
  aspects of typesetting and desktop publishing,
  including numbering and  cross-referencing,
  tables and figures, page layout,
  bibliographies, and much more. \LaTeX{} was
  originally written in 1984 by Leslie Lamport
  and has become the  dominant method for using
  \TeX; few people write in plain \TeX{} anymore.
  The current version is \LaTeXe.

LaTeX can be arbitrarily extended by using the underlying macro language to develop custom formats. Such macros are often 
collected into packages, which are available to address special formatting issues such as complicated mathematical content or graphics.
Indeed, in the example below, the align environment is provided by the amsmath package.

LaTeX can be arbitrarily extended by using the underlying macro language to develop custom formats. Such macros are often 
collected into packages, which are available to address special formatting issues such as complicated mathematical content or graphics.
Indeed, in the example below, the align environment is provided by the amsmath package.

LaTeX can be arbitrarily extended by using the underlying macro language to develop custom formats. Such macros are often 
collected into packages, which are available to address special formatting issues such as complicated mathematical content or graphics.
Indeed, in the example below, the align environment is provided by the amsmath package.

LaTeX can be arbitrarily extended by using the underlying macro language to develop custom formats.\vspace*{155pt}

Such macros are often 
collected into packages, which are available to address special formatting issues 
such as complicated mathematical content or graphics.
Indeed, in the example below, the align environment is provided by the amsmath package.



看见: 在此处输入图片描述



\usepackage{graphicx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/graphicx
\section{First section}
Single column

Like TeX, LaTeX started as a writing tool for mathematicians and computer scientists, but from early in its development it has 
also been taken up by scholars who needed to write documents that include complex math expressions or non-Latin scripts, 
such as Arabic, Sanskrit and Chinese[citation needed].

LaTeX is intended to provide a high-level language that accesses the power of TeX in an easier way for writers. In short,
TeX handles the layout side, while LaTeX handles the content side for document processing. LaTeX comprises a collection 
of TeX macros and a program to process LaTeX documents. Because the plain TeX formatting commands are elementary,
it provides authors with ready-made commands for formatting and layout requirements such as chapter headings, footnotes,
cross-references and bibliographies.

\section{Second section}

Twocolums section

LaTeX can be arbitrarily extended by using the underlying macro language to develop custom formats. Such macros are often 
collected into packages, which are available to address special formatting issues such as complicated mathematical content or graphics.
Indeed, in the example below, the align environment is provided by the amsmath package.

Breaking Twocolums in this place


  \caption{This is a figure caption}


Going back to Twocolums

\LaTeX{} is a document preparation system for
  the \TeX{} typesetting program. It offers
  programmable desktop publishing features and
  extensive facilities for automating most
  aspects of typesetting and desktop publishing,
  including numbering and  cross-referencing,
  tables and figures, page layout,
  bibliographies, and much more. \LaTeX{} was
  originally written in 1984 by Leslie Lamport
  and has become the  dominant method for using
  \TeX; few people write in plain \TeX{} anymore.
  The current version is \LaTeXe.


结果如下: 在此处输入图片描述
